Categories: South Africa

Defend Minister Malusi Gigaba, says BLF

Gigaba must be defended against the 'anti-black Indian superiority complex which is in sync with whiteness', says BLF leader Andile Mngxitama.

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By Citizen Reporter

Black First Land First (BLF) leader Andile Mngxitama has come out in defence of Minister of Finance Malusi Gigaba and President Jacob Zuma.

Mngxitama has started a “Defend Minister Gigaba” and “Hands-Off President Zuma” campaign to defend the two against the “agents of London and white monopoly capital”.

While the president is being criticised for his Cabinet reshuffle on Thursday, Gigaba is simply being undermined by the so-called campaigns against him, despite that he said he did not know why he was chosen as finance minister.

“We note that the attack on the President is led by the united front of reactionaries led by Pravin Gordhan, Zwelinzima Vavi and Helen Zille through her proxy Mmusi Maimane who in turn has just been to London to get instructions from Lord Robin Renwick.

“We note that this campaign of lies and deception is directed specifically at the Minister of Finance Mr Malusi Gigaba, and his deputy.”

The BLF, which had been calling for the now former finance minister Pravin Gordhan to be sacked from his position for some time, says the “anti-black” campaign against Gigaba has been insinuating that Gordhan is capable while Gigaba is incompetent.

“Mr Malusi Gigaba is a victim of anti-black Indian superiority complex which is in sync with whiteness.”

The BLF has further criticised the former minister for using late ANC stalwart Ahmed Kathrada’s funeral to undermine the new finance minister.

In fact, the party says it has opened a criminal case of corruption and launched a high court application to have the former minister declared “compromised, conflicted and captured”.

“The criminal case relates to Gordhan having contravened Section 34 of the Prevention and Combating of Corrupt Activities Act, 2004.

“The High Court application relates to how Pravin Gordhan couldn’t carry out his duties because he was a servant and business partner of the rogue banks and entities such as Unilever which steals from the poor. Moreover he directly benefits from these offending entities.”

“Hands-off President Zuma” and “Defend Minister Gigaba,” says the party.

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By Citizen Reporter