Categories: Crime

Suspect shoots himself in head after being cornered by police

A suspect in a vehicle hijacking allegedly shot himself in the head on Saturday morning, after he was cornered by police near the N2 outside Mount Ayliff.

According to a statement, the Highway Patrol Unit received an alert about a blue Ford Fiesta that had been hijacked in Msobomvu and was heading in the direction of Mount Ayliff. At around 07:00, the High Patrol members spotted the vehicle on the N2, opposite Chithwa Location, and stopped it.

Two occupants allegedly jumped out of the car and started running in opposite directions, leading to the officers giving chase on foo, while mobilising backup from the SAPS.


“The armed suspect fired at the police officers while trying to flee. As the members closed in on the suspect, he allegedly shot himself in his head,” the police’s statement reads. “He died on the scene. A 9mm pistol was found next to him (serial number filed off).

“The second suspect, aged 33-years-old was found hiding in a nearby toilet. He is detained on a charge of possession of suspected stolen vehicle.”

An inquest docket has been opened , while the firearm will be sent to forensics for further analysis.
