FILE PICTURE: June, mother of Reeva Steenkamp, (2nd from L) looks on as paralympian Oscar Pistorius is cross-examined at the North Gauteng High Court in Pretoria, Wednesday, 9 April 2014. Picture: Sydney Seshibedi/The Times/Pool
#OscarTrial. Oscar: I realise it doesn't sound rational that i shot her, took gun with me, but i wasn't thinking rationally. Trial adjourns.
— The_Citizen_Reporter (@CitiReporter) April 14, 2014
#OscarTrial. Oscar says Reeva might have used her cellphone for light to get to toilet but he didn't see her. – ^ID
— The_Citizen_Reporter (@CitiReporter) April 14, 2014
#OscarTrial. Oscar says after shots his first thought was to see where Reeva was, looked on bed, behind curtains. – ^ID
— The_Citizen_Reporter (@CitiReporter) April 14, 2014
#OscarTrial. Oscar becomes emotional again when he describes "just firing at door in fright". – ^ID
— The_Citizen_Reporter (@CitiReporter) April 14, 2014
#OscarTrial. Oscar doesn't know why he did not fire a warning shot. – ^ID
— The_Citizen_Reporter (@CitiReporter) April 14, 2014
#OscarTrial OP: "My first intention was to feel if she was on the bed." – ^YJ
— The_Citizen_Reporter (@CitiReporter) April 14, 2014
Nel: "Why can't you remember on the bed?" #OscarPistorius says the last he saw Reeva was under a duvet. #OscarTrial – ^YJ
— The_Citizen_Reporter (@CitiReporter) April 14, 2014
Nel asks about the duvet. #OscarPistorius : "I dont remember a duvet on the bed." #OscarTrial – ^YJ
— The_Citizen_Reporter (@CitiReporter) April 14, 2014
#OscarPistorius breaks down once again, whilst describing not being able to find Reeva after he fired shots #OscarTrial – ^YJ
— The_Citizen_Reporter (@CitiReporter) April 14, 2014
#OscarPistorius : "I slowly back tracked to my bed, shouting out for Reeva." Nel: "Would that be screaming or shouting?" #OscarTrial – ^YJ
— The_Citizen_Reporter (@CitiReporter) April 14, 2014
Nel reads from #OscarPistorius evidence in chief. OP now going over, that his ears were ringing after #OscarTrial – ^YJ
— The_Citizen_Reporter (@CitiReporter) April 14, 2014
Nel : "Can you still remember your evidence in chief about the firing of the shots." #OscarPistorius : "No my lady." #OscarTrial – ^YJ
— The_Citizen_Reporter (@CitiReporter) April 14, 2014
Nel suggests that Reeva was talking to #OscarPistorius behind the closed door. #OscarTrial – ^YJ
— The_Citizen_Reporter (@CitiReporter) April 14, 2014
"I blame myself for taking Reeva's life my lady," – #OscarPistorius #OscarTrial – ^YJ
— The_Citizen_Reporter (@CitiReporter) April 14, 2014
#OscarPistorius : "I never intended to shoot anyone my lady." Continues to say he blames himself for the accident #OscarTrial – ^YJ
— The_Citizen_Reporter (@CitiReporter) April 14, 2014
Nel: Did you fire to shoot the intruder.
#OscarPistorius : I fired because I got a fright #OscarTrial – ^YJ
— The_Citizen_Reporter (@CitiReporter) April 14, 2014
Nel: Did you fire to shoot the intruder.
#OscarPistorius : I fired because I got a fright #OscarTrial – ^YJ
— The_Citizen_Reporter (@CitiReporter) April 14, 2014
#OscarPistorius didn't focus on the handle of the door, just on the door as a whole, he tells the court #OscarTrial – ^YJ
— The_Citizen_Reporter (@CitiReporter) April 14, 2014
Oscar looks pale. Nel continuing cross examination #OscarTrial – ^CV
— The_Citizen_Reporter (@CitiReporter) April 14, 2014
We are back #OscarTrial – ^CV
— The_Citizen_Reporter (@CitiReporter) April 14, 2014
#OscarTrial. Oscar (sobbing) : It was not lucky. She lost her life life. Court adjourns for lunch. – ^ID
— The_Citizen_Reporter (@CitiReporter) April 14, 2014
#OscarTrial. Oscar becomes emotional again when Nel asks if it was "just lucky" that his firearm was pointed at toilet door. – ^ID
— The_Citizen_Reporter (@CitiReporter) April 14, 2014
OP:The firearm was pointed to the door. When I heard the noise I just shot. #OscarTrial – ^CV
— The_Citizen_Reporter (@CitiReporter) April 14, 2014
Nel:You heard a voice? OP:No i heard a noise. Nel:Why did you stop at 4 shots? OP:I don't know. #OscarTrial – ^CV
— The_Citizen_Reporter (@CitiReporter) April 14, 2014
Nel back to the firing of the shots. #OscarTrial – ^CV
— The_Citizen_Reporter (@CitiReporter) April 14, 2014
OP: I don't think any of my screams that night were the same. I shouted in desperation. #OscarTrial – ^CV
— The_Citizen_Reporter (@CitiReporter) April 14, 2014
Masipa steps in again saying Nel can not ask what his thoughts are on why his defence didn't use it as he didn't hear it #OscarTrial – ^CV
— The_Citizen_Reporter (@CitiReporter) April 14, 2014
Nel asking if Oscar has had his voice tested. OP: Yes I did. Nel: do you have a recording? OP: I don't maybe they do #OscarTrial – ^CV
— The_Citizen_Reporter (@CitiReporter) April 14, 2014
OP: I screamed for her to call the police up and to I broke the door with bat. #OscarTrial – ^CV
— The_Citizen_Reporter (@CitiReporter) April 14, 2014
OP says he only put the light on after he shot. #OscarTrial – ^CV
— The_Citizen_Reporter (@CitiReporter) April 14, 2014
Nel referring to other witnesses that saw the light on and woman screaming. #OscarTrial – ^CV
— The_Citizen_Reporter (@CitiReporter) April 14, 2014
OP;heard noise (wood moving) &shot 4 consecutive shots.Nel says 1st shot aimed at toilet,then he heard wood move then shot again #OscarTrial
— The_Citizen_Reporter (@CitiReporter) April 14, 2014
OP said he would have not heard her fall on the magazine rack because the sound of the shots would have been deafening. #OscarTrial – ^CV
— The_Citizen_Reporter (@CitiReporter) April 14, 2014
#OscarTrial. Nel questions Oscar at length about sound he heard from the toilet. Oscar: in retrospect I probably heard magazine rack moving.
— The_Citizen_Reporter (@CitiReporter) April 14, 2014
OP says he didn't shout he was armed because he didn't want to give his position away and didn't want situation to escalate. #OscarTrial – ^
— The_Citizen_Reporter (@CitiReporter) April 14, 2014
Nel: One thing you never said is that you are armed and ready to shoot. OP: That is correct #OscarTrial – ^CV
— The_Citizen_Reporter (@CitiReporter) April 14, 2014
Carl Pistorius rubs his eyes as his brother face tries to answers another round of Nel's questions. #OscarTrial – ^CV
— The_Citizen_Reporter (@CitiReporter) April 14, 2014
Nel claims that the only reason OP did not burst in to tears is because he is under pressure and being caught out. #OscarTrial – ^CV
— The_Citizen_Reporter (@CitiReporter) April 14, 2014
Barry Roux has said they've looked at record and OP previously said he did hear the door slam. #OscarTrial – ^CV
— The_Citizen_Reporter (@CitiReporter) April 14, 2014
Read this explanation on why Nel claims OP's defence has changed. thanks @CriminalLawZA #OscarTrial – ^CV
— The_Citizen_Reporter (@CitiReporter) April 14, 2014
Oscar has left court. He looked quite bad, he coughed and looked like he was struggling to breathe. #OscarTrial – ^CV
— The_Citizen_Reporter (@CitiReporter) April 14, 2014
#OscarTrial. Nel: you changed your defence because you fired at Reeva. Oscar: (crying) I didn't fire at Reeva my lady. Court adjourns again.
— The_Citizen_Reporter (@CitiReporter) April 14, 2014
OP said he doesn't know what the difference is he is just telling how he remembers it #OscarTrial – ^CV
— The_Citizen_Reporter (@CitiReporter) April 14, 2014
#OscarTrial. Nel: you're changing your defence. You now say you didn't fire at an attacker. Oscar: I don't understand the law my lady. – ^ID
— The_Citizen_Reporter (@CitiReporter) April 14, 2014
Before adjournment Nel said "you're changing your defence from putative self defence to involuntary action" #OscarTrial – ^CV
— The_Citizen_Reporter (@CitiReporter) April 14, 2014
Before adjournment Nel said "you're changing your defence from putative self defence to involuntary action" #OscarTrial – ^CV
— The_Citizen_Reporter (@CitiReporter) April 14, 2014
Court adjourns again for Oscar to compose himself. Just before adjournment Nel says. "Why are you becoming emotional again?" #OscarTrial – ^
— The_Citizen_Reporter (@CitiReporter) April 14, 2014
OP: I thought someone is coming out to attack me. I fired at the noise. OP becoming emotional again "I did not fire at Reeva" #OscarTrial –
— The_Citizen_Reporter (@CitiReporter) April 14, 2014
Nel: You heard the noise and what happened? OP: I didn’t think. I was terrified. #OscarTrial – ^CV
— The_Citizen_Reporter (@CitiReporter) April 14, 2014
OP: The firearm was pointed at the door. Nel: Did you aim at the door or point the firearm at the door. OP: I pointed at door #OscarTrial –
— The_Citizen_Reporter (@CitiReporter) April 14, 2014
OP explaining how he stood when he shot. Nel: arm is bent in right hand. You didn’t aim? OP: No i was still looking around #OscarTrial – ^CV
— The_Citizen_Reporter (@CitiReporter) April 14, 2014
#OscarTrial. Nel: Why didn’t you say anything about toilet door slamming shut in your bail affidavit? I don’t know my lady. – ^ID
— The_Citizen_Reporter (@CitiReporter) April 14, 2014
OP unable to explain why the door slamming was not in bail/plea explanation #OscarTrial – ^CV
— The_Citizen_Reporter (@CitiReporter) April 14, 2014
#OscarTrial. Nel: what made you think there was someone in bathroom” Oscar: I heard the toilet door slamming shut. – ^ID
— The_Citizen_Reporter (@CitiReporter) April 14, 2014
OP says he did tell his counsel about the door slamming. #OscarTrial – ^CV
— The_Citizen_Reporter (@CitiReporter) April 14, 2014
Nel: it wasn’t in your plea explanation so why is it not. You tailored evidence. OP: I’m not sure my lady #OscarTrial – ^CV
— The_Citizen_Reporter (@CitiReporter) April 14, 2014
OP: when I heard the door slam I thought someone entered/ exited the toilet. Nel: why was it not in bail application #OscarTrial – ^CV
— The_Citizen_Reporter (@CitiReporter) April 14, 2014
Nel: you sure it was door slamming. OP: Yes #OscarTrial – ^CV
— The_Citizen_Reporter (@CitiReporter) April 14, 2014
Nel:did you hear the toilet door slam shut before/after you shouted to call police. OP: I heard the door slam while shouting #OscarTrial – ^
— The_Citizen_Reporter (@CitiReporter) April 14, 2014
OP goes through his version again but doesn’t add that he heard the door slam. OP insists he did say he heard door slam in hall #OscarTrial
— The_Citizen_Reporter (@CitiReporter) April 14, 2014
OP: was trying to balance so firearm was moving constantly #OscarTrial – ^CV
— The_Citizen_Reporter (@CitiReporter) April 14, 2014
Nel: When you shouted was the firearm far in front of you? OP: No it was in front but elbow bent. Didn’t want anybody to grab it #OscarTrial
— The_Citizen_Reporter (@CitiReporter) April 14, 2014
OP says he wanted intruder to know that he was awake and thus shouted at Reeva #OscarTrial – ^CV
— The_Citizen_Reporter (@CitiReporter) April 14, 2014
Nel: but nothing happened in meantime. Why shout now all of a sudden OP: felt i could protect her there&wanted to scare intruder #OscarTrial
— The_Citizen_Reporter (@CitiReporter) April 14, 2014
OP says first shouted “Reeva call the police” and then “get the f### out of my house”. OP explains he shouted to scare intruder #OscarTrial
— The_Citizen_Reporter (@CitiReporter) April 14, 2014
OP denies shouting at Reeva. #OscarTrial – ^CV
— The_Citizen_Reporter (@CitiReporter) April 14, 2014
Nel: Isn’t it true that you shouted it at Reeva. You shouted “get the f### out of my house” #OscarTrial – ^CV
— The_Citizen_Reporter (@CitiReporter) April 14, 2014
Nel: You just told us what you said in court. Why did you get emotional about what you shouted at intruder. #OscarTrial – ^CV
— The_Citizen_Reporter (@CitiReporter) April 14, 2014
We are back in court. #OscarTrial – ^CV
— The_Citizen_Reporter (@CitiReporter) April 14, 2014
Oscar’s “get the f### out of my house” comment in court kinda sounded like a woman wailing…. #OscarTrial – ^CV
— The_Citizen_Reporter (@CitiReporter) April 14, 2014
#OscarTrial. Oscar starts sobbing when he testifies how he screamed at the intruders to “get the f…k out of my house”. Court adjourns. – ^
— The_Citizen_Reporter (@CitiReporter) April 14, 2014
Oscar breathing heavy, holding back tears as he demonstrates he said “Get the fuck out of my house” to intruder. #OscarTrial – ^CV
— The_Citizen_Reporter (@CitiReporter) April 14, 2014
OP: My firearm was in front of me but arm not extended. Nel: not like when you shot at watermelon. OP: No not like that #OscarTrial – ^CV
— The_Citizen_Reporter (@CitiReporter) April 14, 2014
Advocate Roux sitting low in his chair listening intently #OscarTrial – ^CV
— The_Citizen_Reporter (@CitiReporter) April 14, 2014
Nel: You were in shooting position ready to fire. OP: I just wanted to chase the people out of the house. #OscarTrial – ^CV
— The_Citizen_Reporter (@CitiReporter) April 14, 2014
Nel grilling OP on bail statement.OP saying he did mention the window.”I said I saw the window open when I entered the bathroom” #OscarTrial
— The_Citizen_Reporter (@CitiReporter) April 14, 2014
#OscarTrial. Nel: You’re tailoring your evidence. Oscar: That’s not true my lady. – ^ID
— The_Citizen_Reporter (@CitiReporter) April 14, 2014
#OscarTrial. Nel: why only refer to “a noise” in bail hearing, not a window sliding open? Oscar: I was upset, on medication at time. – ^ID
— The_Citizen_Reporter (@CitiReporter) April 14, 2014
#OscarTrial. Oscar says he would have expected Reeva to be as frightened as he was, not to say anything if she heard the window opening. – ^
— The_Citizen_Reporter (@CitiReporter) April 14, 2014
OP thus saying his legal team wrote the bail statement. He was traumatised and tired and on medication. #OscarTrial – ^CV
— The_Citizen_Reporter (@CitiReporter) April 14, 2014
OP: told legal team what happened. “I was in a holding cell. I was tired and exhausted. I read it and signed it as truth” #OscarTrial – ^CV
— The_Citizen_Reporter (@CitiReporter) April 14, 2014
OP: You’re such a stickler for detail. Why not equally focussed on detail in bail application. #OscarTrial – ^CV
— The_Citizen_Reporter (@CitiReporter) April 14, 2014
#OscarTrial. Nel now confronting Oscar about noise he heard in the bathroom, why he never talked to Reeva about it. – ^ID
— The_Citizen_Reporter (@CitiReporter) April 14, 2014
Nel: but you didn’t say in your bail application that your heard the window open. You just said you heard a noise. #OscarTrial – ^CV
— The_Citizen_Reporter (@CitiReporter) April 14, 2014
Nel saying if Reeva was in bed she would have said something. OP: I said phone police and get down. #OscarTrial – ^CV
— The_Citizen_Reporter (@CitiReporter) April 14, 2014
nel: you didn’t have any doubt? OP: The sound is loud my lady I heard it clearly. #OscarTrial – ^CV
— The_Citizen_Reporter (@CitiReporter) April 14, 2014
Nel: “What do you expect?” OP: I don’t know what I expel. I don’t ask where someone is going #OscarTrial – ^CV
— The_Citizen_Reporter (@CitiReporter) April 14, 2014
Nel saying he finds it strange that OP didn’t say “I’m closing the curtains” or she asked “what you doing”. #OscarTrial – ^CV
— The_Citizen_Reporter (@CitiReporter) April 14, 2014
OP: I don’t see how me saying I talked in a low tone is tailoring. It would suit more if I said I whispered (she didn’t hear) #OscarTrial –
— The_Citizen_Reporter (@CitiReporter) April 14, 2014
Nel: Today’s theme is tailoring evidence. #OscarTrial – ^CV
— The_Citizen_Reporter (@CitiReporter) April 14, 2014
Nel: Why make that mistake? OP: I don’t know my lady #OscarTrial – ^CV
— The_Citizen_Reporter (@CitiReporter) April 14, 2014
OP: I meant to say low tone. I made a mistake to say whisper. #OscarTrial – ^CV
— The_Citizen_Reporter (@CitiReporter) April 14, 2014
Gerrie Nel doesn’t miss a thing. Lights on amplifiers, whispering/speaking in low tone, fans positions etc etc. #OscarTrial – ^CV
— The_Citizen_Reporter (@CitiReporter) April 14, 2014
Nel: Why are you steering away from a whisper? OP: I am not steering away I said it in a low voice. #OscarTrial – ^CV
— The_Citizen_Reporter (@CitiReporter) April 14, 2014
Nel referring to OP’s version when he whispered to Reeva to get down. In cross-examination he said he talked in a low voice. #OscarTrial – ^
— The_Citizen_Reporter (@CitiReporter) April 14, 2014
Oscar says he went to get his phones on the bedside table #OscarTrial – ^CV
— The_Citizen_Reporter (@CitiReporter) April 14, 2014
Nel: There is no blood spatter on the bed. #OscarTrial – ^CV
— The_Citizen_Reporter (@CitiReporter) April 14, 2014
Pic of watch case shown. Nel: It was caused when you carried the deceased. #OscarTrial – ^CV
— The_Citizen_Reporter (@CitiReporter) April 14, 2014
Pic being magnified of the duvet. There are small spatters of blood on the duvet and floor. #OscarTrial – ^CV
— The_Citizen_Reporter (@CitiReporter) April 14, 2014
#OscarTrial. Oscar very calm, collected today. No sign of extreme emotion of the previous week. – ^ID
— The_Citizen_Reporter (@CitiReporter) April 14, 2014
Nel saying his TV light (small red) was also on. OP: It is not a very bright light. It didn’t bother me. #OscarTrial – ^CV
— The_Citizen_Reporter (@CitiReporter) April 14, 2014
#OscarTrial. Oscar: it’s state who is creating time. Ex-girlfriend said it took 4 minutes for him to put on legs, he demonstrated seconds. –
— The_Citizen_Reporter (@CitiReporter) April 14, 2014
#OscarTrial. Nel: You’re trying to create time” by “tailoring” evidence about LED light. Oscar: It has nothing to do with time. – ^ID
— The_Citizen_Reporter (@CitiReporter) April 14, 2014
Nel has now gone through every single light on OP’s stereo asking “Why didn’t this one bother you…and this one…” #OscarTrial – ^CV
— The_Citizen_Reporter (@CitiReporter) April 14, 2014
OP:Samantha said it takes me 4min to put my legs on, I put it on in court in a minute. (Wouldn’t do that it wanted to buy time) #OscarTrial
— The_Citizen_Reporter (@CitiReporter) April 14, 2014
Nel:You invented the LED light to give time for Reeva to get up and leave the bedroom. OP: I didn’t. I am not trying to buy time #OscarTrial
— The_Citizen_Reporter (@CitiReporter) April 14, 2014
Nel: What is wrong with your memory. Why can’t you remember? OP: I just know I wanted to close the LED light. #OscarTrial – ^CV
— The_Citizen_Reporter (@CitiReporter) April 14, 2014
Zooms in on photo. There is another blue light. Nel: Why didn’t switch it off? Did you? OP: I don’t know. It is possible #OscarTrial – ^CV
— The_Citizen_Reporter (@CitiReporter) April 14, 2014
Nel talking about the stereo and the LED OP said he closed with the jean on the night of Reeva’s death. #OscarTrial – ^CV
— The_Citizen_Reporter (@CitiReporter) April 14, 2014
#OscarTrial. Oscar concedes he mentioned blue LED light of amplifier that was bothering him for first time in evidence in chief. – ^ID
— The_Citizen_Reporter (@CitiReporter) April 14, 2014
Nel: I’m picking up you’re not sure about a lot of things. Are you all right? Are you feeling o.k? OP nods “Yes my lady”#OscarTrial – ^CV
— The_Citizen_Reporter (@CitiReporter) April 14, 2014
Nel saying Roux didn’t put to VRensburg where OP said the fan was standing. “Because you tailored your version mr. Pistorius” #OscarTrial –
— The_Citizen_Reporter (@CitiReporter) April 14, 2014
VRensburg previously testified that he did not know who moved the fan. #OscarTrial – ^CV
— The_Citizen_Reporter (@CitiReporter) April 14, 2014
The Fan is standing more to the left. Col VRensburg previously looked at this photo and said it was in front of door. #OscarTrial – ^CV
— The_Citizen_Reporter (@CitiReporter) April 14, 2014
#OscarTrial. Oscar cannot explain who food was found in Reeva’s stomach if they last had dinner at 7pm, denies tailoring his evidence. – ^ID
— The_Citizen_Reporter (@CitiReporter) April 14, 2014
We’re looking at a photo of the fan again. #OscarTrial – ^CV
— The_Citizen_Reporter (@CitiReporter) April 14, 2014
OP: I was sleeping maybe she ate something then. I don’t know. We ate just after 7. Nel: You’re tailoring evidence #OscarTrial – ^CV
— The_Citizen_Reporter (@CitiReporter) April 14, 2014
OP: Denies he is tailoring evidence. #OscarTrial – ^CV
— The_Citizen_Reporter (@CitiReporter) April 14, 2014
Nel: in your version Van Rensburg was 1 of the first people to go upstairs. OP: I can’t remember who went up first #OscarTrial – ^CV
— The_Citizen_Reporter (@CitiReporter) April 14, 2014
#OscarTrial. Gerrie Nel says Oscar’s version cannot be reasonably possibly true. – ^ID
— The_Citizen_Reporter (@CitiReporter) April 14, 2014
OP: We ate just after 7. I don’t know whether she ate anything else. #OscarTrial – ^CV
— The_Citizen_Reporter (@CitiReporter) April 14, 2014
OP says he does not believe Reeva ate after 7 but there is a possibility that she ate. I don’t know. #OscarTrial – ^CV
— The_Citizen_Reporter (@CitiReporter) April 14, 2014
Nel: I put it to you that she must have eaten 2hours before her death. OP: No my lady we had dinner just past 7. #OscarTrial – ^CV
— The_Citizen_Reporter (@CitiReporter) April 14, 2014
Nel: We heard from various pathologists that her stomach should have been emptied. Why wasn’t it? OP: I don’t know. #OscarTrial – ^CV
— The_Citizen_Reporter (@CitiReporter) April 14, 2014
Nel: How do you explain her stomach content? OP: I don’t have an explanation for it but we have heard experts testify #OscarTrial – ^CV
— The_Citizen_Reporter (@CitiReporter) April 14, 2014
Nel asking why was her slops on the left? OP: The previous night she slept on the left. (Night of death on the right) #OscarTrial – ^CV
— The_Citizen_Reporter (@CitiReporter) April 14, 2014
Nel is making the point that all of Reeva’s clothes were packed away neatly except for the jean. Oscar says “and the slops” #OscarTrial – ^C
— The_Citizen_Reporter (@CitiReporter) April 14, 2014
OP says it was an exception for her to sleep on the right. #OscarTrial – ^CV
— The_Citizen_Reporter (@CitiReporter) April 14, 2014
Embarrassing entrance for Barry Roux&Oscar Pistorius. Random people with white balloons chanting their name as they entered. #OscarTrial – ^
— The_Citizen_Reporter (@CitiReporter) April 14, 2014
Nel: Reeva was very neat person. Correct? OP: Yes. Nel: except for the jean that was not packed away. #OscarTrial – ^CV
— The_Citizen_Reporter (@CitiReporter) April 14, 2014
News from court: Oscar has had a haircut, June Steenkamp is here again as well as the Myers. #OscarTrial – ^CV
— The_Citizen_Reporter (@CitiReporter) April 14, 2014
Nel: We will focus today on your version and why it is so improbable it can not reasonably be true. #OscarTrial – ^CV
— The_Citizen_Reporter (@CitiReporter) April 14, 2014
Family and public court benches are packed again. #OscarTrial – ^CV
— The_Citizen_Reporter (@CitiReporter) April 14, 2014
Waiting for court to start. OP will be in the witness box for the 6th day #OscarTrial – ^CV
— The_Citizen_Reporter (@CitiReporter) April 14, 2014
#OscarTrial. Messages of support from all over world for Oscar on Oscar support page. – ^ID
— The_Citizen_Reporter (@CitiReporter) April 14, 2014
#OscarTrial. Oscar’s friend, disabled athlete Dewald Reynders outside court to show support, but hesitant to see Oscar in stand. – ^ID
— The_Citizen_Reporter (@CitiReporter) April 14, 2014
#OscarTrial. Smalll group of middle-aged Oscar supporters outside court with white balloons. Say they’re praying for him. – ^ID
— The_Citizen_Reporter (@CitiReporter) April 14, 2014
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