FILE PICTURE: Olympic and Paralympic track star Oscar Pistorius enters the dock ahead of his trial for the murder of his girlfriend Reeva Steenkamp, at the North Gauteng High Court in Pretoria, Wednesday, 5 March 2014. Pistorius is on trial for murdering his girlfriend Reeva Steenkamp at his suburban Pretoria home on Valentine's Day last year. He says he mistook her for an intruder. Picture: Siphiwe Sibeko/Pool
Pistorious is exceptionally emotional. He is sobbing and remains in court as everyone leaves. His sister Aimee is consoling him #OscarTrial
— The_Citizen_Reporter (@CitiReporter) March 6, 2014
Court is ajourned. That is the end of day 4. Johnson testimony ended and Dr Johan Stipp's visual and gripping testimony started #OscarTrial
— The_Citizen_Reporter (@CitiReporter) March 6, 2014
Stipp says that he saw a light figure move from the left to the right #OscarTrial – ^AM
— The_Citizen_Reporter (@CitiReporter) March 6, 2014
Roux asks about the person he saw walking from his balcony on the night. #OscarTrial – ^AM
— The_Citizen_Reporter (@CitiReporter) March 6, 2014
Roux: the first shots you heard was it like a volley of boom boom boom. Stipp: it was on top of each other. #OscarTrial – ^AM
— The_Citizen_Reporter (@CitiReporter) March 6, 2014
Stipp says he saw the lights were on when he heard the screaming. Using that as a time of reference #OscarTrial – ^AM
— The_Citizen_Reporter (@CitiReporter) March 6, 2014
Stipp says that the bathroom light was on. And most of Oscar's neighbours lights were on. #OscarTrial – ^AM
— The_Citizen_Reporter (@CitiReporter) March 6, 2014
Moving onto what lights were on in the Oscar's house that night #OscarTrial – ^AM
— The_Citizen_Reporter (@CitiReporter) March 6, 2014
Roux says it is not possible to make out if it's a man or woman through bathroom window. #OscarTrial – ^AM
— The_Citizen_Reporter (@CitiReporter) March 6, 2014
Roux is questioning how Stipp saw a person through the frosted bathroom window #OscarTrial – ^AM
— The_Citizen_Reporter (@CitiReporter) March 6, 2014
Stipp said Oscar look sincere and was trying to help her, with his one hand on her groin wound and the other opening her airway #OscarTrial
— The_Citizen_Reporter (@CitiReporter) March 6, 2014
Stipp says he was crying, praying to God? Pleading to God to let her live, actively trying to assist her. #OscarTrial – ^AM
— The_Citizen_Reporter (@CitiReporter) March 6, 2014
Roux now goes back to the emotional state Oscar was in when Stipp saw him. #oscartrial – ^AM
— The_Citizen_Reporter (@CitiReporter) March 6, 2014
Roux tries to get Stipp to concede that he may have misheard and that it was Oscar's voice he heard albeit in a high pitch #OscarTrial – ^AM
— The_Citizen_Reporter (@CitiReporter) March 6, 2014
On Oscar's version Roux says the doctor woke up from the shots fired. And there fore the screams could not have be the deceased #OscarTrial
— The_Citizen_Reporter (@CitiReporter) March 6, 2014
Roux: to you it sounded like a woman and a man respectively #OscarTrial – ^AM
— The_Citizen_Reporter (@CitiReporter) March 6, 2014
Stipp said the voices he heard sounded different #OscarTrial – ^AM
— The_Citizen_Reporter (@CitiReporter) March 6, 2014
Roux now puts it to Stipp on the version of Oscar. And puts emphasis on that it is Oscar's version #OscarTrial – ^AM
— The_Citizen_Reporter (@CitiReporter) March 6, 2014
Roux says he will now accommodate the state, by putting the questions to Stipp differently #OscarTrial – ^AM
— The_Citizen_Reporter (@CitiReporter) March 6, 2014
Nel says there were two sets of noises but the second was the shots that killed Reeva and she screamed before then. #OscarTrial – ^AM
— The_Citizen_Reporter (@CitiReporter) March 6, 2014
The debate about the number of shots and sets of noises. Roux says the state can't say there was two sets of shots #OscarTrial – ^AM
— The_Citizen_Reporter (@CitiReporter) March 6, 2014
The State argues that shots at 3:17 did kill Reeva. But that she screamed before that. #OscarTrial – ^AM
— The_Citizen_Reporter (@CitiReporter) March 6, 2014
Both defence and state are going at each other about what can and cannot be put to witness as fact. #OscarTrial – ^AM
— The_Citizen_Reporter (@CitiReporter) March 6, 2014
Nel: it is the state's case that the deceased did scream. #OscarTrial – ^AM
— The_Citizen_Reporter (@CitiReporter) March 6, 2014
Roux puts it to Stipp that the first shot killed Reeva is a fact. Where the state's case will argue the opposite #OscarTrial – ^AM
— The_Citizen_Reporter (@CitiReporter) March 6, 2014
Nel objects saying Roux can't put it as a fact that the first shot killed Reeva. It could be their version but not a fact #OscarTrial – ^AM
— The_Citizen_Reporter (@CitiReporter) March 6, 2014
Stipp says it is curious though as he heard a women screaming and a man's voice which were interlinked. #OscarTrial – ^AM
— The_Citizen_Reporter (@CitiReporter) March 6, 2014
And Roux puts it to Stipp, the screams he heard was that of Oscar in a high pitch. #OscarTrial – ^AM
— The_Citizen_Reporter (@CitiReporter) March 6, 2014
It is medically impossible for the deceased to have screamed. Stipp said it sounded like a woman to him #OscarTrial – ^AM
— The_Citizen_Reporter (@CitiReporter) March 6, 2014
Nel objects saying that this is the accused's version and there are others. #OscarTrial – ^AM
— The_Citizen_Reporter (@CitiReporter) March 6, 2014
The screams Stipp heard could have therefore not been deceased. And must have been someone else says Roux. #OscarTrial – ^AM
— The_Citizen_Reporter (@CitiReporter) March 6, 2014
Roux says after those shots and those injuries, a person would not be able to shout or make a noise #OscarTrial – ^AM
— The_Citizen_Reporter (@CitiReporter) March 6, 2014
Roux said Stipp witnessed a terrible devastating head wound. #OscarTrial – ^AM
— The_Citizen_Reporter (@CitiReporter) March 6, 2014
Roux: 'I am not attacking your credibility, I am trying to show you an honest mistake'
#OscarTrial – ^AM
— The_Citizen_Reporter (@CitiReporter) March 6, 2014
Roux is putting it to Stipp that his two statements differ and he could have made an honest mistake #OscarTrial – ^AM
— The_Citizen_Reporter (@CitiReporter) March 6, 2014
Roux is still discrediting the testimony of Burger and Johnson.Saying the shots they heard was the cricket bat breaking the door #oscartrial
— The_Citizen_Reporter (@CitiReporter) March 6, 2014
Stipp says the second load of shots he heard sounded exactly like the first batch. He heard two batches of three shots #OscarTrial – ^AM
— The_Citizen_Reporter (@CitiReporter) March 6, 2014
Roux puts it to Stipp that the second load of shots sounded like gunshots. But it was the cricket bat #OscarTrial – ^AM
— The_Citizen_Reporter (@CitiReporter) March 6, 2014
Roux says Burger, Johnson and Stipp heard sounds at the same time according to phone records and testimony. 3:17 am #OscarTrial – ^AM
— The_Citizen_Reporter (@CitiReporter) March 6, 2014
Roux is taking Stipp through the sequence of the night in question by asking questions. #OscarTrial – ^AM
— The_Citizen_Reporter (@CitiReporter) March 6, 2014
Stipp insists that I/O Hilton Botha did not take his statement. #OscarTrial – ^AM
— The_Citizen_Reporter (@CitiReporter) March 6, 2014
Roux is questioning Stipp on when he gave his statement and to who he gave his statement. #OscarTrial – ^AM
— The_Citizen_Reporter (@CitiReporter) March 6, 2014
Nel rests. Roux will now begin his cross-examination #OscarTrial – ^AM
— The_Citizen_Reporter (@CitiReporter) March 6, 2014
Stipp says the argument emanated from the direction of Oscar's house and the house next to Oscars' #OscarTrial – ^AM
— The_Citizen_Reporter (@CitiReporter) March 6, 2014
21st of Feb the Stipp family was awoken to a similar experience, hearing people arguing. Could not make out what was said. #OscarTrial – ^A
— The_Citizen_Reporter (@CitiReporter) March 6, 2014
Around three am of 21 Feb around 3 am Stipp stood on his balcony hear arguing. Said it was a males voice. #OscarTrial – ^AM
— The_Citizen_Reporter (@CitiReporter) March 6, 2014
Stipp explains the screams heard as someone who is scared out of her mind. They were very loud #OscarTrial – ^AM
— The_Citizen_Reporter (@CitiReporter) March 6, 2014
#OscarTrial. First thing Oscar said to Stipp was I thought she was a burglar. I shot her. – ^ID
— The_Citizen_Reporter (@CitiReporter) March 6, 2014
#OscarTrial. Stipp tells court how Oscar was holding a bleeding Reeva, screaming that he would dedicate life to God if she only lived. – ^ID
— The_Citizen_Reporter (@CitiReporter) March 6, 2014
Court hears graphic testimony of Reeva's final moments
— The_Citizen_Reporter (@CitiReporter) March 6, 2014
#OscarTrial. Stipp testifies Oscar hand his fingers in Reeva's mouth and she was clenching down on his hand. He was praying for her to live.
— The_Citizen_Reporter (@CitiReporter) March 6, 2014
#OscarTrial. Neighbour Johan Stipp tried to help Reeva, but he could see brain matter and she was already dead. – ^ID
— The_Citizen_Reporter (@CitiReporter) March 6, 2014
#OscarPistorius sits with his hands over his head crouching, as raw testimony on Reeva's death is made to court #OscarTrial – ^YJ
— The_Citizen_Reporter (@CitiReporter) March 6, 2014
#OscarTrial, Early tea break. Uncertain when trial will resume. – ^ID
— The_Citizen_Reporter (@CitiReporter) March 6, 2014
#OscarTrial. Oscar holds hand over his mouth so that cameras cannot see while he's talking to his attorney. – ^ID
— The_Citizen_Reporter (@CitiReporter) March 6, 2014
#OscarTrial. Oscar holds hand over his mouth so that cameras cannot see while he's talking to his attorney. – ^ID
— The_Citizen_Reporter (@CitiReporter) March 6, 2014
#OscarTrial. Johnson says hearing sounds of jackals calling at night reminds them of woman's screams that night. – ^ID
— The_Citizen_Reporter (@CitiReporter) March 6, 2014
#OscarTrial. Johnson: I do not believe a cricket bat could hit a door that rapidly, it was shots I heard. – ^ID
— The_Citizen_Reporter (@CitiReporter) March 6, 2014
#OscarTrial. Johnson admits he'd never met Oscar, never heard him screaming anxiously, but insist he heard a woman screaming that night. – ^
— The_Citizen_Reporter (@CitiReporter) March 6, 2014
#OscarTrial. Johnson: My senses were sharp and acute. I was wide awake, I’m convinced I heard shots. – ^ID
— The_Citizen_Reporter (@CitiReporter) March 6, 2014
#OscarTrial. Roux: We will bring evidence that what you heard was not shots but cricket bat hitting bathroom door. Johnson: I heard shots. –
— The_Citizen_Reporter (@CitiReporter) March 6, 2014
#OscarTrial. Johnson says he, wife wanted to remain anonymous, give a “neutral” version to both sides but his adv said it was not possible.
— The_Citizen_Reporter (@CitiReporter) March 6, 2014
#OscarTrial. Johnson said his advocate knew prosecutor Gerrie Nel and undertook to approach him with their version. – ^ID
— The_Citizen_Reporter (@CitiReporter) March 6, 2014
“It was a very traumatic experience, we heard the final calls for help of a person before they died.” #OscarTrial – ^YJ
— The_Citizen_Reporter (@CitiReporter) March 6, 2014
Very little media present as everyone has their eyes glued to the #OscarPistorius trial. #childmurder – ^AM
— The_Citizen_Reporter (@CitiReporter) March 6, 2014
#OscarTrial. Johnson’s initial notes says his wife recalled hearing “about 4 or 5 shots”, later removed the “about” to improve language. – ^
— The_Citizen_Reporter (@CitiReporter) March 6, 2014
#OscarTrial. Johnson says he was influenced by a previous housebreaking in 2011/12. 14 Feb incident was “mild deja vu”. – ^ID
— The_Citizen_Reporter (@CitiReporter) March 6, 2014
#Roux charges that Johnson “studied his notes” last night. Johnson says he was tired and only scanned through it #OscarTrial – ^YJ
— The_Citizen_Reporter (@CitiReporter) March 6, 2014
#OscarTrial. Roux accuses Johnson of “designing” an interpretation of his notes to incriminate Oscar. – ^ID
— The_Citizen_Reporter (@CitiReporter) March 6, 2014
#Johnson ‘s Notes: at that point my wife woke up as I got out of bed, shouted at me, ‘don’t just stand there’. #OscarTrial – ^YJ
— The_Citizen_Reporter (@CitiReporter) March 6, 2014
#OscarTrial. Johnson was not aware that his wife destroyed her notes about “screaming, shooting” incident. Now looks at his own notes. – ^ID
— The_Citizen_Reporter (@CitiReporter) March 6, 2014
#OscarTrial. Roux splitting hairs about when Johnson, his wife made notes, police statements. – ^ID
— The_Citizen_Reporter (@CitiReporter) March 6, 2014
#OscarTrial. Roux apologises to Johnson for reading his cell number in court, “didn’t realise consequences”. Johnson: Apology accepted. – ^I
— The_Citizen_Reporter (@CitiReporter) March 6, 2014
#OscarTrial. Roux apologises to Johnson for reading his cell number in court, “didn’t realise consequences”. Johnson: Apology accepted. – ^I
— The_Citizen_Reporter (@CitiReporter) March 6, 2014
“I did not hear testimony, we did not discuss her testimony.” – Johnson to the court over his wife’s evidence #OscarTrial #Roux – ^YJ
— The_Citizen_Reporter (@CitiReporter) March 6, 2014
#OscarTrial. Day 4 and neighbour Charl Johnson faces another tough round of questions by Oscar’s advocate Barry Roux. – ^ID
— The_Citizen_Reporter (@CitiReporter) March 6, 2014
Its a quiet stroll towards the high court for #OscarPistorius this morning. No frenzy as usual #OscarTrial day4 – ^YJ
— The_Citizen_Reporter (@CitiReporter) March 6, 2014
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