Johannesburg High Court closed due to water shortage
Star sprinter Oscar Pistorius is seen at the High Court in Pretoria on Monday, 30 June 2014 after spending 30 days under psychiatric observation to determine if he should be held criminally responsible for killing his girlfriend Reeva Steenkamp. Picture: Phill Magakoe/Independent Newspapers /Pool
#OscarTrial finally adjourns until 9.30 tomorrow. – ^ID
— The_Citizen_Reporter (@CitiReporter) August 7, 2014
#OscarTrial. Roux: State ignoring objective facts – our timeline will prove "woman's screams" was Oscar high pitched wails. – ^ID
— The_Citizen_Reporter (@CitiReporter) August 7, 2014
Roux says OP's closest neighbours heard a man screaming #OscarTrial #citi – ^CC
— The_Citizen_Reporter (@CitiReporter) August 7, 2014
Roux: Why did the state never mention the sound of the cricket bat hitting the door? What about the telephone records? #OscarTrial #citi – ^
— The_Citizen_Reporter (@CitiReporter) August 7, 2014
Roux says they will show tomorrow the timeline of the screams. #OscarTrial #citi – ^CC
— The_Citizen_Reporter (@CitiReporter) August 7, 2014
Oscar sitting up straight, listening the Roux's argument #OscarTrial #citi – ^CC
— The_Citizen_Reporter (@CitiReporter) August 7, 2014
Roux: If they were talking (when she was in cubicle) where does the petrifying screams come from? #OscarTrial #citi – ^CC
— The_Citizen_Reporter (@CitiReporter) August 7, 2014
Roux: Accused is not running away from blame #OscarTrial #citi – ^CC
— The_Citizen_Reporter (@CitiReporter) August 7, 2014
#OscarTrial. Roux: Oscar not running away from blame for restaurant shooting, said from start he does not know how shot went off. – ^ID
— The_Citizen_Reporter (@CitiReporter) August 7, 2014
#OscarTrial. Roux: state's case is self-destructive. – ^ID
— The_Citizen_Reporter (@CitiReporter) August 7, 2014
Roux: V Rensburg (police) said he didn't touch a thing. Photo shows him touching plug #OscarTrial #citi – ^CC
— The_Citizen_Reporter (@CitiReporter) August 7, 2014
Roux saying they received a photo yesterday that the cord does in fact reach. "why do they put it to witness that he is lying" #citi – ^CC
— The_Citizen_Reporter (@CitiReporter) August 7, 2014
Roux talking to the extension cord. "It was put to him that the cord could not reach" we said o.k well please show us that #OscarTrial #citi
— The_Citizen_Reporter (@CitiReporter) August 7, 2014
Roux addresses the fans. "Police didn't think something would hinge on a fan but they moved it to get to balcony" #OscarTrial #citi – ^CC
— The_Citizen_Reporter (@CitiReporter) August 7, 2014
#OscarTrial. Roux severely criticises state for failing to call Hilton Botha, who "lied blatantly", tried to incriminate Oscar. – ^ID
— The_Citizen_Reporter (@CitiReporter) August 7, 2014
Roux: We are not saying there is a conspiracy we are saying things were moved #OscarTrial #citi – ^CC
— The_Citizen_Reporter (@CitiReporter) August 7, 2014
Roux: We showed that Hilton Botha told "blatant lies" to incriminate OP #OscarTrial #citi – ^CC
— The_Citizen_Reporter (@CitiReporter) August 7, 2014
So, Nel said State does not need to call all witnesses Roux saying it's b/c it would damage their case #OscarTrial #citi – ^CC
— The_Citizen_Reporter (@CitiReporter) August 7, 2014
Roux: The failure to call witnesses is very different in this case. B/c police affidavit doesn't corroborate #OscarTrial #citi – ^CC
— The_Citizen_Reporter (@CitiReporter) August 7, 2014
Roux says referring to negligent and messages leading up to killing being related to Reeva's death is not true #OscarTrial #citi – ^CC
— The_Citizen_Reporter (@CitiReporter) August 7, 2014
Roux says he will be dealing with "clear mistakes" in Nel's argument #OscarTrial #citi – ^CC
— The_Citizen_Reporter (@CitiReporter) August 7, 2014
#OscarTrial certainly did not see any fireworks between Gerrie Nel, Barry Roux, but Roux now highlights "mistakes" in Nel's argument. – ^ID
— The_Citizen_Reporter (@CitiReporter) August 7, 2014
#OscarTrial. Roux starts with his legal argument. Says State has no right to reply, unless it's on specific legal issues. – ^ID
— The_Citizen_Reporter (@CitiReporter) August 7, 2014
Nel sits down. State rests. #OscarTrial #citi – ^CC
— The_Citizen_Reporter (@CitiReporter) August 7, 2014
#OscarTrial. Nel concludes his legal argument, asking for Oscar's conviction on all 4 counts. – ^ID
— The_Citizen_Reporter (@CitiReporter) August 7, 2014
#OscarTrial. Nel: Oscar armed himself, moved to toilet and killed person inside – indicates pre-planning. – ^ID
— The_Citizen_Reporter (@CitiReporter) August 7, 2014
#OscarTrial. Nel argues Oscar committed premeditated murder. – ^ID
— The_Citizen_Reporter (@CitiReporter) August 7, 2014
#OscarTrial. Nel: should court accept Oscar's version, he can still not escape culpable homicide conviction – conduct not reasonable. – ^ID
— The_Citizen_Reporter (@CitiReporter) August 7, 2014
Nel: he moved his shots because she fell against the magazine rack. He has to explain the angles and he did not #citi #OscarTrial – ^CC
— The_Citizen_Reporter (@CitiReporter) August 7, 2014
Nel: If you fire 4shots into a small cubicle with high power ammunition it shows intent to kill. #OscarTrial #citi – ^CC
— The_Citizen_Reporter (@CitiReporter) August 7, 2014
Nel saying there is no reasonable argument about why he thought Reeva was intruder #citi #OscarTrial – ^CC
— The_Citizen_Reporter (@CitiReporter) August 7, 2014
Nel: "he intended to kill a human being" #OscarTrial #citi – ^CC
— The_Citizen_Reporter (@CitiReporter) August 7, 2014
#OscarTrial. Nel: Oscar was in charge, was armed with a firearm, approached danger – there was no imminent attack. – ^ID
— The_Citizen_Reporter (@CitiReporter) August 7, 2014
Nel: If it is only the two in the house. Why would Reeva hide? #OscarTrial #citi – ^CC
— The_Citizen_Reporter (@CitiReporter) August 7, 2014
#OscarTrial. Nel: Even if court accepts Oscar's version of an intruder, he cannot escape convicted on murder with direct intent. – ^ID
— The_Citizen_Reporter (@CitiReporter) August 7, 2014
#OscarTrial. Nel stresses Oscar is a gun owner, enthusiast and a firearm license holder. – ^ID
— The_Citizen_Reporter (@CitiReporter) August 7, 2014
#OscarTrial. Nel on restaurant shooting: Oscar's defence same as saying 4 shots which killed Reeva "just went off". He had to pull trigger.
— The_Citizen_Reporter (@CitiReporter) August 7, 2014
Nel:is little in dispute on the Tasha's incident. "That firearms cannot fire on own. It has a safety and your finger needs to be on it #citi
— The_Citizen_Reporter (@CitiReporter) August 7, 2014
#OscarTrial. Nel: Oscar incapable of taking responsibility for his own actions, hides behind bad memory, gives others the blame. – ^ID
— The_Citizen_Reporter (@CitiReporter) August 7, 2014
#OscarTrial. Incident of Oscar firing shot through sunroof of car happened, witnesses did not conspire against him, says Nel. – ^ID
— The_Citizen_Reporter (@CitiReporter) August 7, 2014
Nel: He had his gun between his legs. He put his gun on the boat under a towel (showing irresponsible and negligent) #OscarTrial #citi – ^CC
— The_Citizen_Reporter (@CitiReporter) August 7, 2014
#OscarTrial. Nel: This was not a normal relationship. This relationship ended in death. – ^ID
— The_Citizen_Reporter (@CitiReporter) August 7, 2014
#OscarTrial. Judge Masipa asks Nel how one can rely on text messages: just because she's unhappy today, doesn't mean she's unhappy tomorrow
— The_Citizen_Reporter (@CitiReporter) August 7, 2014
Nel reads the messages where Reeva says she is very unhappy and she tries to make him happy "7 February she's unhappy" #OscarTrial #citi – ^
— The_Citizen_Reporter (@CitiReporter) August 7, 2014
#OscarTrial. Nel: saying 90% of Reeva, Oscar's messages were loving is like saying only 10 % of body has cancer. Messages Reeva's voice. – ^
— The_Citizen_Reporter (@CitiReporter) August 7, 2014
Nel"the booboobaba messages are not important. The important messages are where they argue and she opens up" #OscarTrial #citi – ^CC
— The_Citizen_Reporter (@CitiReporter) August 7, 2014
Nel suggests they fought downstairs when she ate snack, saying it is closer to neighbours so they could hear. #OscarTrial #citi – ^CC
— The_Citizen_Reporter (@CitiReporter) August 7, 2014
#OscarTrial. Nel shoots down defence evidence about gastric emptying. Says it's irresponsible to venture expert opinion without all facts. –
— The_Citizen_Reporter (@CitiReporter) August 7, 2014
Nel saying it does not make sense that Reeva got up put alarm off and ate without him waking up #OscarTrial #citi – ^CC
— The_Citizen_Reporter (@CitiReporter) August 7, 2014
#OscarTrial. Nel: Dr Reggy Perumal attended post mortem, Def could have called him if they wanted to dispute Prof Saayman's evidence. – ^ID
— The_Citizen_Reporter (@CitiReporter) August 7, 2014
#OscarTrial. Nel: no coincidence that a woman was heard arguing, Reeva ate two hours before her death on same morning she was shot, killed.
— The_Citizen_Reporter (@CitiReporter) August 7, 2014
Nel: if he screams like a woman why did they hear a man and woman's voice , #OscarTrial #citi – ^CC
— The_Citizen_Reporter (@CitiReporter) August 7, 2014
#OscarTrial. Nel: if bathroom light was on it means Oscar, Reeva were awake, alarm was not switched on. – ^ID
— The_Citizen_Reporter (@CitiReporter) August 7, 2014
Nel: a credible witness, Stipp says she woke up and the lights were on. Another heard a women and men's voice #citi – ^CC
— The_Citizen_Reporter (@CitiReporter) August 7, 2014
#OscarTrial. Nel: there are so many things in this case pointing to Oscar tailoring his version. – ^ID
— The_Citizen_Reporter (@CitiReporter) August 7, 2014
#OscarTrial. Nel: unlikely that two couples (neighbours) would have made same observation if it was not the truth. – ^ID
— The_Citizen_Reporter (@CitiReporter) August 7, 2014
State thus arguing the light was on, she screamed for her life, she ate before bed, he had time to think, #OscarTrial #citi – ^CC
— The_Citizen_Reporter (@CitiReporter) August 7, 2014
Barry Steenkamp, Reeva's dad looks uncomfortable, shifts around. Must be difficult to be in court for the first time. #OscarTrial #citi – ^C
— The_Citizen_Reporter (@CitiReporter) August 7, 2014
Nel arguing the witnesses have no reason to incriminate the accused. "What is in it for them…nothing" #OscarTrial #citi – ^CC
— The_Citizen_Reporter (@CitiReporter) August 7, 2014
Nel saying Johnson knew there were 4 shots fired yet stuck to his account that he heard 5/6 #OscarTrial #citi – ^CC
— The_Citizen_Reporter (@CitiReporter) August 7, 2014
Nel arguing State witnesses have been credible and not deceitful #OscarTrial #citi – ^CC
— The_Citizen_Reporter (@CitiReporter) August 7, 2014
#OscarTrial. Nel contemplating holes in Oscar's reconstructed toilet door, says Oscar's version of rapid fire does not fit in with evidence.
— The_Citizen_Reporter (@CitiReporter) August 7, 2014
Nel: Burger heard pause between shots. If OP fired rapid shots shot B would have hit her #OscarTrial #citi – ^CC
— The_Citizen_Reporter (@CitiReporter) August 7, 2014
Michelle Burger's evidence corresponds 100% with Capt. Mangena's reconstruction #citi #OscarTrial – ^CC
— The_Citizen_Reporter (@CitiReporter) August 7, 2014
#OscarTrial. Nel: not arguing state witnesses were perfect, imperfections are to be expected of honest people. Lunch break. – ^ID
— The_Citizen_Reporter (@CitiReporter) August 7, 2014
#OscarTrial. Nel: neighbours were all independent, did not know each other, did not know Oscar. Amazing that they corroborated each other. –
— The_Citizen_Reporter (@CitiReporter) August 7, 2014
Adv. Barry Roux talking to defence team. Smiles, he does not look worried but there are many questions unanswered. #OscarTrial #citi – ^CC
— The_Citizen_Reporter (@CitiReporter) August 7, 2014
#OscarTrial. Nel: Oscar's version: he was goal directed to deal with "intruder", just at moment when he fired shots acted "involuntarily". –
— The_Citizen_Reporter (@CitiReporter) August 7, 2014
Nel arguing that OP premeditated the killing as he armed himself, moved towards the door and then shot to kill #OscarTrial #citi – ^CC
— The_Citizen_Reporter (@CitiReporter) August 7, 2014
Nel says Derman was selective and bias. (Derman knew OP for over 6 years before testifying) #OscarTrial #citi – ^CC
— The_Citizen_Reporter (@CitiReporter) August 7, 2014
#OscarTrial. Nel dissects Oscar's evidence line by line, shoots down Prof Derman's evidence about "startle" response, "fuzzy memory". – ^ID
— The_Citizen_Reporter (@CitiReporter) August 7, 2014
Nel: OP had to (in his version) stop screaming after he shot Reeva b/c she stopped screaming. #OscarTrial #citi – ^CC
— The_Citizen_Reporter (@CitiReporter) August 7, 2014
#OscarTrial. Nel: There was not even an attempt to prove that Oscar sounds like a girl when he's screaming. – ^ID
— The_Citizen_Reporter (@CitiReporter) August 7, 2014
I wonder whether the family of OP has any doubt in their mind of his innocence.Do they also have critical questions unanswered?#OscarTrial –
— The_Citizen_Reporter (@CitiReporter) August 7, 2014
#OscarTrial. Reeva's parents not looking in direction of photos of bloodied scene where their daughter died depicted on screens in court – ^
— The_Citizen_Reporter (@CitiReporter) August 7, 2014
#OscarTrial. Nel: even defence accepts Capt Mangena was good witness. Why would court then reject his version? – ^ID
— The_Citizen_Reporter (@CitiReporter) August 7, 2014
Nel: I've not seen worse expert witnesses than Dixon and Wolmarans (ouch) #OscarTrial #citi – ^CC
— The_Citizen_Reporter (@CitiReporter) August 7, 2014
#OscarTrial. Nel: "sound" in bathroom at which Oscar shot a figment of his imagination. It never happened. – ^ID
— The_Citizen_Reporter (@CitiReporter) August 7, 2014
#OscarTrial. Nel tears Oscar's version(s) to shreds. One can expect Roux to do the same with state's witnesses. – ^ID
— The_Citizen_Reporter (@CitiReporter) August 7, 2014
Nel: She was right in front of the door in a standing position when she was shot. #OscarTrial #citi – ^CC
— The_Citizen_Reporter (@CitiReporter) August 7, 2014
#OscarTrial. Nel: Oscar's version about Reeva's conduct that night, facing danger upright in toilet while he's screaming, "ridiculous". – ^I
— The_Citizen_Reporter (@CitiReporter) August 7, 2014
Nel saying OP is still guilty even if he thought there was an intruder #OscarTrial #citi – ^CC
— The_Citizen_Reporter (@CitiReporter) August 7, 2014
#OscarTrial. Nel: Even if Oscar's version accepted, he armed himself, approached danger, had intention to kill the "intruder". – ^ID
— The_Citizen_Reporter (@CitiReporter) August 7, 2014
#OscarTrial. Nel: There was no imminent attack on Oscar – it was nothing more than a sound. No attempt to even open the door. – ^ID
— The_Citizen_Reporter (@CitiReporter) August 7, 2014
OP's phone was on charge in kitchen. Nel "when did he put it on charge. He just shot her" #OscarTrial #citizenradio – ^CC
— The_Citizen_Reporter (@CitiReporter) August 7, 2014
Nel: He woke up Samantha Taylor when he heard a noise, why not Reeva #OscarTrial #citizenradio – ^CC
— The_Citizen_Reporter (@CitiReporter) August 7, 2014
#OscarTrial. Nel: Oscar had no respect for the truth during his evidence, hence strange evidence about deactivation of alarm. – ^ID
— The_Citizen_Reporter (@CitiReporter) August 7, 2014
#OscarTrial. Nel says Oscar was "disrespectful" to court. – ^ID
— The_Citizen_Reporter (@CitiReporter) August 7, 2014
#OscarTrial. Nel: One imperfectly placed piece inevitably spoils picture Oscar tried to create, hence his "whisper" to Reeva. – ^ID
— The_Citizen_Reporter (@CitiReporter) August 7, 2014
#OscarTrial. Nel: Oscar acted contrary to his nature by not discussing sounds with Reeva at all. His version improbable. – ^ID
— The_Citizen_Reporter (@CitiReporter) August 7, 2014
#OscarTrial. Nel: All couples who testified woke partners up to discuss sounds they heard – that's normal human behaviour. – ^ID
— The_Citizen_Reporter (@CitiReporter) August 7, 2014
#OscarTrial. Nel: Oscar's version of a police "conspiracy" to "tamper" with scene just too improbable to be reasonably possibly true. – ^ID
— The_Citizen_Reporter (@CitiReporter) August 7, 2014
Nel: arguing about the fans and that OP didn't see Reeva get up. We're going through the details now. #OscarTrial #citi – ^CC
— The_Citizen_Reporter (@CitiReporter) August 7, 2014
#OscarTrial. Nel says Oscar told lies to cover up other lies, gave an elaborate false version. – ^ID
— The_Citizen_Reporter (@CitiReporter) August 7, 2014
#OscarTrial. Nel says all of Oscar's lies caught up with him. Court will have no option than to reject his evidence. – ^ID
— The_Citizen_Reporter (@CitiReporter) August 7, 2014
#OscarTrial. Nel assures Judge he will finish today. She says she's not available next week. – ^ID
— The_Citizen_Reporter (@CitiReporter) August 7, 2014
#OscarTrial. Nel says Oscar not the first accused to blame his advocate when facing a quandary. – ^ID
— The_Citizen_Reporter (@CitiReporter) August 7, 2014
#OscarTrial. Nel says there are so many inconsistencies, examples of Oscar tailoring his evidence that he can actually number them. – ^ID
— The_Citizen_Reporter (@CitiReporter) August 7, 2014
#OscarTrial adjourns for tea with Nel telling court Oscar's tailoring of his evidence had a domino effect and he had to tell more untruths.
— The_Citizen_Reporter (@CitiReporter) August 7, 2014
#OscarTrial. Nel: Oscar created a version about fans that turned his evidence into a farce. – ^ID
— The_Citizen_Reporter (@CitiReporter) August 7, 2014
Nel focussing on the fans and what OP said he did. "It's just not good enough (his version)" #OscarTrial #citi – ^CC
— The_Citizen_Reporter (@CitiReporter) August 7, 2014
Nel saying OP is "not interested in telling the truth" only wants to save himself. #OscarTrial #citi – ^CC
— The_Citizen_Reporter (@CitiReporter) August 7, 2014
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