A social media user alleges he was almost killed when his vehicle 'locked all its doors and windows' before catching flames.
A motorist from Cape Town appears to be on a mission for his own version of justice, claiming car manufacturer Audi should be held responsible for his vehicle catching fire.
Themba Mabasa claims he was almost killed when his Audi TT caught fire on Good Friday.
He claims the car was riddled with defects since two months after he purchased it in 2015.
He alleges his Audi TT had serious mechanical problems and had been in and out of the dealership for repairs several times.
Mabasa has been vocal on social media in an attempt to get attention from Audi South Africa.
Mabasa on his Twitter page has pinned a video of the red Audi TT going up in flames.
Speaking on online radio station Salaamedia, Mabasa says he was driving from Cape Town, past Gauteng and headed for Limpopo, when the car somehow locked him out of the car before igniting.
“When I was driving on the N1, I started smelling something.” The smell was intensifying, according to Mabasa, who pulled over and went outside the car. He says he opened the hood, checked it and closed it after finding nothing strange on the engine.
The strange part for Mabasa was that the car had somehow locked him out. He says even the windows, which could be operated with the car keys from outside, did not seem to work.
The car then ignited, he says, and he found a rock to break the passenger window in an attempt to retrieve his bags.
He could only retrieve the little items before the car went up in flames.
Mabasa has since been trying to get the attention of Audi, who according to him have not been helpful.
He speaks of nightmares at the thought of driving in a car with locked doors.
Audi SA was contacted, but have not responded to the request for comment.
Listen to Mabasa recount his ordeal.
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