Steven Powell's testimony has also implicated Johannesburg mayor Geoff Makhubo, former ANC Youth League treasurer-general Reggie Nkabinde and Jacob Zuma's former personal assistant.
Former ANC spokesperson Zizi Kodwa. Picture: Yeshiel Panchia
ANC national executive committee (NEC) member and Deputy State Security Minister Zizi Kodwa is in the spotlight, following head of ENSafrica Forensics Steven Powell’s testimony on Wednesday at the Commission of Inquiry into State Capture.
Powell told the commission, chaired by Deputy Chief Justice Raymond Zondo, that Kodwa allegedly received R375,000 from a former executive of technology group EOH Holdings between 2015 and 2017.
Powell said the suspicious payments were reported to the Hawks.
“The payments were made starting on 26 May 2015 to 29 June 2017 with an amount of R80,000 to an FNB account with reference NG NG Kodwa. On 13 July 2015, there was a payment of R45,000 also referenced to NG NG Kodwa.
“There was a payment of R21,600 to the FNB account of Mr Sintwa. On 29 October 2015, there was another payment of R50,000 to Mr Zizi Kodwa. Again on 3 November 2015, there was a payment of another R50,000 to Mr Kodwa. On 26 November 2015, there was a payment of R30,000 to Mr Kodwa. On 28 November 2015, there was a payment of R50,000 to Mr Kodwa again. On 4 December there was a payment of R40,000 to Mr Kodwa. On 2 February 2016 there was a payment of R30,000 to Mr Kodwa,” Powell told the commission.
Powell’s testimony also implicated Johannesburg mayor Geoff Makhubo, former ANC Youth League treasurer-general Reggie Nkabinde and Jacob Zuma’s former personal assistant at Luthuli House, Siyabulela Gift Sintwa.
In 2018, Kodwa called on all implicated persons to present themselves to the commission “for the sake of the country”, and now he might need to follow his own advice.
He said at the time: “We’re here to reiterate our support for the Zondo commission. We’re on record having called for the establishment of this commission, given the seriousness of the allegations made a couple of years back.
“We make a call to South Africans, whether it’s former presidents, premiers or councillors. Those who worked in government institutions, they must come here, not for the sake of themselves but for the sake of the country.”
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