ANC being sued over Nasrec conference debt

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By Citizen Reporter


A rentals company alleges it is still owed cash from the ruling party for two big events.

According to court papers tabloid Sunday World reports it has seen, an events company has taken the ruling party to court over unpaid debts related to its December elective conference at Nasrec.

Congress Rental South Africa reportedly filed papers in the High Court in Johannesburg on Wednesday for half a million rand they claim is still owed to them for the hire of conference equipment and associated costs.

They also claimed for another ANC conference last year at the Nasrec Expo Centre.

The company claimed the ANC not only failed to pay the remainder of their dues after having paid deposits, they also made off with 25 receivers and 25 of headsets, which amounted to R114,570.

ANC spokesperson Pule Mabe reportedly said they would talk to the company and “find a solution to this matter”.

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