Categories: South Africa

Abrahams has made decision on Zuma prosecution

National Director of Public Prosecutions Shaun Abrahams has made his decision on whether to restart prosecution proceedings against former president Jacob Zuma on money laundering, fraud, racketeering and corruption charges.

The charges were withdrawn in 2009 and Zuma has fought determinedly since then to avoid having his day in court.

He submitted his reasons to the National Prosecuting Authority (NPA) on why he should not be prosecuted at the end of January. Abrahams was at the NPA’s head office to receive the representations.

The initial deadline was November 30, but Zuma received a seven-week extension.

Abrahams gave prosecutors two weeks to consider the representations.

It has now been announced that Abrahams has made his decision, but because of ongoing legal issues linked to a high court ruling invalidating his appointment, his decision will only be announced in two weeks’ time, on March 15.

Because of the ruling, the Council for the Advancement of the SA Constitution demanded a two-week notice period before Abrahams would announce the decision.

On Friday, President Cyril Ramaphosa withdrew the earlier appeal lodged by Zuma against a North Gauteng High Court judgment that the appointment of Abrahams should be set aside.

Zuma, while still president, had appealed the ruling by a full Bench of judges of the North Gauteng High Court in Pretoria that found he was conflicted in appointing Abrahams as NPA boss in the place of Mxolisi Nxasana, who was forced out of office.

Ramaphosa’s action was seen as an indication that he plans to fire Abrahams and appoint a new NPA head.

City Press reported on Sunday that five prosecutors have unanimously recommended that all 18 charges, comprising 783 separate counts, against Zuma be reinstated.