DA justifies Washington visit; calls for urgent action on escalating SA-US tension
Ernst Roets, John Robert Bolton and Kallie Kriel. Picture: Twitter/Kallie Kriel
Afrikaans rights lobby group AfriForum is overseas to fight “racist theft” – land expropriation without compensation.
Lawyer and deputy CEO Ernst Roets and CEO Kallie Kriel have been regularly tweeting about their adventures around the world as they try to drum up international support against expropriation in South Africa. The lobby group is on a campaign to warn investors against developments here.
When they tweeted about their joy at running into highly conservative Republican John Robert Bolton, the US national security advisor to President Donald Trump, it was all a bit much for Wits vice-chancellor Adam Habib, who commented that they disgusted him.
Your associations in the US prove what disgusting human beings you truly are. You are an embarrassment to SA & its constitution. Every nation has somebody who reflects its worse side. The Germans had Hitler, the Ugandans, Amin, apartheid SA, Verwoed, and current SA the two of you
— Adam Habib (@AdHabb) May 9, 2018
“Your associations in the US prove what disgusting human beings you truly are. You are an embarrassment to SA & its constitution. Every nation has somebody who reflects its worse side. The Germans had Hitler, the Ugandans, Amin, apartheid SA, Verwoed, and current [sic] SA the two of you.”
While some have supported Habib on Twitter, he’s also received much flak from those accusing him of going too far in saying the two men are like mass murdering demagogues.
A vice chancellor speaking like this? How can meeting someone make these okes disgusting human beings? Just because you differ from their views doesn't give you the right to insult and belittle. It says more about you than about them. Wits should be ashamed of you. 👎🏻👎🏻👎🏻
— Horsepower (@ahpdeb) May 10, 2018
Wow this shocking from you Mr. Habib. You just went full Nazi on Afriforum (and the USA). You reflect the worst side of modern day so-called liberals. Calling anyone you don’t agree with nazis is quite disgusting. There’s nothing to support your allegation.
— Orion (@ori0n7) May 10, 2018
Kriel had posted a pic of themselves with Bolton, writing: “Great turn of events: With a bit of luck @ErnstRoets and I met John Robert Bolton, USA National Security Advisor to @realDonaldTrump. We also gave him a copy of Ernst’s new #KillTheBoerBook on #FarmMurders & #ExpropriationWithoutCompensation in SA.”
Great turn of events: With a bit of luck @ErnstRoets and I met John Robert Bolton, USA National Security Advisor to @realDonaldTrump. We also gave him a copy of Ernst's new #KillTheBoerBook on #FarmMurders & #ExpropriationWithoutCompensation in SA. @afriforum #AfriForumUSA . pic.twitter.com/CIEIqmyA3O
— Kallie Kriel (@kalliekriel) May 9, 2018
The AfriForum head honchos have been posting pics since they arrived in Heathrow on their way to Texas.
They had earlier announced they had information on land ownership as well as a memorandum on expropriation of land without compensation, which they planned to take abroad and present to “investors”.
Roets said they would send a senior delegation to the United States, kicking off the international campaign.
The lobby group plans to provide a report on new information on land ownership in South Africa. Roets is confident that AfriForum are driven by the pursuit for truth.
The group believes the motion to expropriate property without compensation is based on a flawed state-driven land audit, which is “soaked with fabrications and methodical errors”.
BREAKING: @afriforum was just interviewed on @FoxNews (USA's most watched cable news network) regarding #ExpropriationWithoutCompensation & #FarmMurders in South Africa. @ErnstRoets spoke to @TuckerCarlson on the very popular prime time show Tucker Carlson Tonight. This is huge! pic.twitter.com/vDw3s0DPYw
— Kallie Kriel (@kalliekriel) May 8, 2018
Their reasoning is that arguments must be made that the land expropriation policy be executed so more black people can own property, but they said it only appeared that, according to the ANC and Economic Freedom Fighters’ policy documents, the intention is for the government to own land and not private individuals.
As usual, opinions about both AfriForum and Habib’s tweet were divided.
Your really doing a great job at marketing and freely distributing that baseless book.
— Madam Speaker (@Madam_Speaker1) May 9, 2018
What happened to freedom Adam? If these 2 are doing anything illegal, report them and have them investigated. Come Adam, give us an academic summary of why Kriel and Roets are not merely exercising their constitutional rights and freedom? YOU are acting illegal.
— Gert hanekom (@GertHanekom) May 10, 2018
Only those who support the abuse of human rights, supports white dominance, supports war mongers, would have a problem with voicing a justified opinion as u have so eloquently done
— Quw’a.Effendi🇿🇦 (@Rabbani_Effendi) May 10, 2018
I think Kriel and Roets should give Habib the opportunity to retract his statement and if Habib refuse, let the court decide whether it is justified to equate ordinary people with mass murderers.
— Gert hanekom (@GertHanekom) May 10, 2018
Disgusting human beings amid a criticism? I need to go back to school and request for a refund on my fees.
— Jim Wa'Namwini (@WaNamwini) May 10, 2018
Coming from a vice-chancellor of a notable uni in SA, it is very disturbing. It might be your personal opinion and your right to freedom of speech (which I will fight for), but your statement is a slap in the face of victims of the Holocaust, of Amin ,etc.
— Jean Koen (@Japie_K) May 10, 2018
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