Zuma could avoid jail time by turning on the Guptas and his son, Duduzane – report

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By Citizen Reporter


A possible deal to turn Zuma state witness means he would have to reveal his accomplices.

Deputy President Cyril Ramaphosa is reportedly locked in secret talks with President Jacob Zuma to ensure that Zuma gets an exit deal to help him avoid jail time.

The Sunday Times reports that Zuma is being presented with the option of admitting to the state capture charges levelled against him to avoid prosecution on those charges, but that deal would not include the other charges of corruption from the Schabir Shaik case.

Zuma avoiding prosecution on state capture charges by admitting to wrongdoing is not without its legal hurdles, as the law may not allow for the interference of political deals.

These complexities are said to be reason the negotiations have dragged on for so long as Ramaphosa explores the legal options that could allow Zuma to escape prosecution.

The reported deal to turn Zuma state witness also means he would have to reveal his accomplices in these crimes, who include the Gupta brothers but could also include his own son, Duduzane Zuma.

The Sunday Times reports Ramaphosa’s other option for Zuma is to stand before the parliamentary hearings on state capture. Zuma could be free from prosecution if he provides full disclosure on his crimes under oath, along with evidence to support this.

Zuma would then have to do this and implicate the Guptas before they step in and point the finger at him.



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