Categories: South Africa

12 reasons why Zuma fired Gordhan, according to Twitter

Following DA’s win in its application to the North Gauteng High Court to have President Jacob Zuma provide reasons for firing former finance minister Pravin Gordhan and his then deputy Mcebisi Jonas, people on Twitter have now taken it upon themselves to help the president come up with the reasons for his decision.

The president has reportedly said he sacked the former finance minister because of “his close relationship with white monopoly capital“, and again yesterday, he said he reshuffled Cabinet “for the youth”.

But Twitter is having none of it and has come up with a few reasons they think the president got rid of Gordhan. In a funny list that has been circulating on social media, the first reason Zuma sacked Gordhan was because he was “annoying”. How the former minister was annoying, we have no idea. The second reason Zuma sacked Gordhan was apparently because of “Jesus”.

We also learn from the list that the former finance minister never responds to ‘Please Call Mes’, perhaps this is how he annoyed the president. Honestly, it is annoying though when someone does not respond to messages.

The Russians also apparently made the president sack Gordhan, allegations that even former ANC MP Vytjie Mentor made on social media, explaining to people what she thinks happened when Gordhan was in London.

Gordhan was also sacked for being a “nerd” apparently.

Check out the full list below posted by Chester Missing on Twitter:

Judge Bashier Vally on Thursday gave the president five days to provide reasons for the decision that he was highly criticised for.

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