
SCA dismisses Zuma’s multiple corruption petitions – trial to proceed

The Supreme Court of Appeal (SCA) ruled against former President Jacob Zuma’s prosecution petitions as it had “no reasonable prospects of success of success in an appeal”.

Zuma’s petitions dismissed

The SCA said on Thursday “there is no other compelling reason why an appeal should be heard”. This now clears the way for the trial to proceed.

National Prosecuting Authority (NPA) spokesperson Mthunzi Mhaga said the state welcomed the SCA’s ruling as it prepares to resist Zuma’s application for a further postponement.


“We have always maintained that there is no prospect of success on appeal as issues raised have been pronounced upon by the same SCA”, Mhaga said.

The trial will resume on 11 April 2022.

Zuma vs Downer

This comes after Zuma asked for the right to challenge Judge Piet Koen’s dismissal of his “special plea” application back in February.


Zuma wanted to remove prosecutor Billy Downer and cited alleged bias and misconduct. At the time, the NPA welcomed Koen’s judgment.

Spokesperson Advocate Mthunzi Mhaga: “The NPA notes particularly the order directing that the criminal trial shall proceed during the second and third terms of the 2022 court calendar of the KZN High Court, where it has been set down, as previously agreed by all the parties, commencing at 10h00 on 11 April 2022”.