The two boys were assaulted, beaten all over their bodies, stripped naked and the older boy suffered multiple fractures to his left arm and hand.
Two boys were allegedly abducted in the Western Cape. Photo: iStock
On 19 November the Drakenstein Farm Watch (DFW) general commander received a distress call from a resident of Keerweder area Paarl, regarding two missing children aged 12 and 14, who were possibly abducted in the Old Du Toit Kloof Pass, horseshoe area.
Two other boys, who were part of the group of four, returned home from their swimming adventure in the mountain river, telling about how they were being chased but they got away, but their younger friends were not so lucky and were taken by four men and possibly thrown in a mini-bus taxi.
“The DFW commander raised a full alarm and through the DFW control and WhatsApp groups, colleques of Paarl Fire, K9 police, Saps and DFW rescue, responders were informed and requested to assist.
After having gathered as much information as possible on site and from the two boys who escaped, a search was initiated,” said DFW.
Together with the farming community, the area was searched starting close to the mountain horse shoe, when a message came through, that the other two boys were found at a horse farm some kilometers further down the mountain.
ALSO READ: Child abduction is a serious issue in South Africa
The two boys were assaulted, beaten all over their bodies, stripped naked and the older boy suffered multiple fractures to his left arm and hand .
The DFW emergency first aid responders team performed first aid and called for an ambulance and at 6.15pm the two children were taken to hospital.
“Needless to say, the situation with many illegal non-residential tresspassers in the mountain, performing ritual rites and often (accidently) setting fire to the reserve area, is reason for serious concerns.
“We hope the culprits will be arrested and that the severely traumatised and injured youngsters recover fully,” DFW said on their Facebook page.
ALSO READ: Police finally find girl abducted 20 years ago, suspect arrested
The DFW Fire and Rescue is a private non-profit field and structural fire response group in the Western Cape, South Africa.
Its dedicated teams provide fire suppression and emergency medical response services in the greater Drakenstein municipal area.
Police did not respond to questions at the time of publishing.
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