Mabe's first major interaction with the press is bound to be on the morning of February 8, where he is expected to disseminate what was discussed by the NEC the night before.
Pule Mabe. (Photo by Gallo Images / City Press / Denvor de Wee)
Following the departure of Zizi Kodwa, ANC has confirmed Pule Mabe as officially the party’s national spokesperson effective from today.
“Comrade Mabe is serving his second term as a member of the national executive committee (NEC) of the ANC, and has been a member of the ANC NEC subcommittee on communications since 2012.
“He is product of the ANC’s political preparatory school, the ANC Youth League, and rose through its ranks to serve as treasurer-general in both the 23rd and 24th national executive committees,” said a statement issued by deputy secretary-general Jessie Duarte.
Mabe is a former journalist and is currently studying for a Masters in Business Leadership (MBL). He joined Parliament as MP in 2014 and resigned in 2017 to pursue “his interest in business through some of the enterprise development innovations he has created”.
Mabe’s first major interaction with the press is bound to be on the morning of February 8, where he is expected to disseminate to the media what was resolved at the extraordinary NEC meeting to be held on the evening of the 7th.
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