Lesufi announced a job-creation drive aimed to hire 6 000 unemployed citizens to address the ongoing pothole and litter issue in Gauteng.

Photo: Twitter/Gauteng Provincial Government
In a vigorous effort to combat the issue of potholes plaguing township roads, Gauteng Premier Panyaza Lesufi announced a plan to employ an additional 6 000 workers.
He made the announcement on Sunday, during the provincial government’s initiation of the Cleaning and Greening Expanded Public Works Programme in Dobsonville.
Lesufi’s Green Army
Lesufi said the initiative is a part of a broader campaign to tackle rampant littering and unlawful dumping prevalent in the province, particularly within townships, informal settlements, and hostels.
Gauteng’s pothole problem
The Green Army, as he referred to the work force, will conduct clean-ups of illegal dumping and litter-picking, and to fix potholes in townships.
He called on “all those who are ready to serve our country” to join forces with him, and in doing so – empower themselves to care for their families.
“If we fail to provide jobs for our people, then the future of this country is bleak,” Lesufi said.
The recruitment process to add 6 000 workers to Green Army campaign will commence this week.
Extended work contracts
In additional to the upcoming recruitment drive, Lesufi also said he would extend the tenure of workers currently involved in the campaign.
“I want to give you this promise, if you do what you are going to do, I’m going to add six month more in your contracts.”
“I am granting you an additional six months so that you can continue your work in our communities,” he added.
READ: Potholes: South Africa must rid itself of this curse
‘Employing the unemployed’
Later, Lesufi said the initiative is “converting food parcels to job opportunities,” since the “days of handouts are over”.
He said the only way to overcome the cycle is by “employing the unemployed” to clean Johannesburg.
READ: Unstoppable force? 3 000 crime-fighting heroes deployed in Gauteng
ePanic buttons
In other news, Lesufi the said the ePanic button announced at his State of the Province Address (Sopa) back in February is “almost here”, with the device currently being in a trial phase.
He said the trial phase, which is being tested by provincial staff members, is “progressing well”.
When his plan for a Gauteng-based ePanic button was initially announced, Lesufi said the device would be linked to police services.
“Every citizen, every time they feel threatened, will push the button and will alert authorities.”
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