PICS: Ouch! New Zealand weightlifter suffers nasty injury

Laurel Hubbard, a transgender athlete, tried to lift a record 132kg. It did not end well.

A transgender weightlifter from New Zealand whose appearance had drawn controversy at the Commonwealth Games pulled out mid-competition on Monday after she painfully injured herself attempting a record lift.

Laurel Hubbard, 40, was in obvious distress when her left elbow gave way attempting to snatch a Games-record 132kg, when she was already leading the competition with 120kg.

Hubbard had received a huge roar of support from the crowd, second only to home favourite Deb Lovely-Acason, when the lifters were introduced.

Born Gavin Hubbard, she represented New Zealand in male weightlifting events before transitioning to female in her 30s, and won two silver medals in the women’s +90kg category at last year’s world championships.

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