Free State police officers make an eight-year-old boy's birthday special, providing food, clothing, and a party after finding him in need.
Police in Free State bring joy to a destitute boy on his birthday. Picture: Saps
Free State police officers went beyond their oath to serve and protect South Africans by putting a smile on the face of a destitute eight-year-old boy for his birthday.
The birthday of a boy from Ladybrand, Free State, was made special on Monday when he and his mother crossed paths with a team of police officers.
Police officer spots destitute boy while jogging
According to Free State police spokesperson Lieutenant-Colonel Amanda van Wyk, Lieutenant-Colonel Tume Ramahlaha, who is attached to border policing, was out jogging before reporting for duty when he passed the destitute boy and his mother.
The mother and son were scavenging through rubble for leftover food when Ramahlaha stopped and spoke with them.
Ramahlala is currently in the Free State to visit teams deployed in the province as part of Operation Vala Umgodi, the government’s response to prevent and combat illicit mining activities in hotspot provinces.
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“Upon further questioning, Ramahlaha established that it had been days since the boy and his mother had something to eat. He also established that the boy does not have a school uniform and, as a result, was not allowed to attend school,” Van Wyk said.
In an act of Ubuntu, the officer arranged for the family to receive a meal at his accommodation while he contacted other authorities to assist them.
Boy’s birthday on Monday
During the interaction with Ramahlaha and the family, he realised that Monday, 9 September, also happened to be the boy’s birthday. He then shared this information with Captain Cilliè Truter and the rest of the border policing members deployed in the Free State.
Without hesitation, Truter and his team went above and beyond to make the day special for the little boy.
The officers arranged for the boy to get a haircut, bought him a school uniform, new clothes, shoes, toys, and a birthday cake.
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“There is no greater calling than being of service to our communities. We are deployed to combat illicit mining activities in the Free State, but we will not fold our arms when vulnerable community members need our help,” said Truter.
According to Truter, this act of kindness was made possible through contributions made by each of his members from their own pockets.
Boy will return to school
After the birthday celebrations, Truter and his team checked in on the family who stays in a shack at an informal settlement.
The Department of Social Development also intervened, and the boy will be going back to school.
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