Parliament must scrap free plane tickets for former MPs and their spouses – Cosatu

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By Vhahangwele Nemakonde

Deputy News Editor

The federation wants parliament to revise its travel policy and scrap all benefits.

The Congress of South African Trade Unions (Cosatu) has called on parliament to totally scrap free plane tickets for former Members of Parliament (MPs) and their spouses.

Although the reduction of free plane tickets provided for former MPs and their spouses in Parliament’s revised travel policy is a step in the right direction, it is not enough, said the trade union in a statement.

The federation wants parliament to revise its travel policy and scrap all benefits.

“Parliament is no different from any other workplace. When an employee leaves their place of employment they leave with the remaining salaries and pensions due to them and nothing more. MPs and their spouses should not be treated differently,” said Cosatu.

“Plane tickets provided to MPs are a tool of the trade that is offered to enable them to travel from their homes and constituencies to Parliament. A lesser number of tickets are provided for their spouses and dependent children to enable them to live with their family members whilst Parliament is in session. These are tools of the trade and are no different from cell phone and car allowances that are provided to MPs for the duration of their term. They are not lifelong benefits.

“Entertaining spouses and flying them around the country is the responsibility of the persons who married them, not the taxpayers.”

ALSO READ: Former MPs downgraded from business class travel to economy

Cosatu said it was unacceptable that amid severe financial constraints the government was facing, MPs continue to vote for former MPs and their spouses to receive 12 free domestic plane tickets a year.

“These are the very same MPs who voted for a budget that imposed a 0% increase on the wages of nurses, teachers, police, and correctional service officers in 2020. These MPs across party lines have sought to lecture public servants, including lowly paid cleaners and security guards on the need to tighten their belts. The value of these free plane tickets per MP and spouse will in some instances be double what a cleaner in the public service earns in a year,” said Cosatu.  

“This cosmetic reduction in benefits for former MPs and their spouses is an abomination and an insult to the workers and the unemployed. Parliament must develop a sense of conscience and scrap all benefits for former MPs and their spouses. Anything less should be rejected with the contempt it deserves.”

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