Amber Heard spat in the face of every true victim of abuse, writes Carine Hartman
Actress Amber Heard during the defamation trial. Photo: Jim LO SCALZO / POOL / AFP
It’s like crying rape but it never happened – that’s the damage Amber Heard caused to the fight against gender-based violence.
And she sure lived up to her social media nickname: Amber Turd.
Not that I normally would even look twice at a Hollywood starlet scandal, but nobody could not notice it: her bitter court drama against big star Johnny Depp flooded social media – and left a bitter, bitter taste, at least in my mouth.
So let’s mouth off: she claimed in 2019 already she was a victim of domestic violence; Depp hit her; Depp the “wife-beater”.
The world and I believed her then. The Pirates franchise dropped him like a hot potato; she single-handedly sank his glorious career and was undisputedly the new face in the fight against spousal abuse.
Now I know Ms Turd lied: Depp was the victim, not only of physical abuse, but also narcissistic rants aimed at breaking him down emotionally.
ALSO READ: WATCH: Heard ‘absolutely not’ able to pay Depp $10.4 million in damages: lawyer
Recordings played in court exposed her slimy underbelly. In at least three recordings she apologises for decking him – “I didn’t mean to hit you with my fist.”
And the one that convinced me she was the turd in the water? She taunts him for a solid 10 minutes: “Who will read your book?”
“Big star,” she cackles – continuously, shamelessly – “You’re washed up.”
You may disagree, but if you think that’s the way to speak to your abuser and not get a klap, think again.
True victims of spousal abuse walk on eggs around their partners, never confront them and do cower in the corner.
Heard did cower, she claimed. Seen the video, also played in court, where Depp is slamming kitchen cupboards and she “cowers in fear of her life”, as she testified?
Only, she’s not. You hear her clearly and calmly asking him what’s wrong, followed by a long conversation with him about how loving he was that morning.
I heard no fear; saw no cowering but a woman out to get him; destroy him. And she nearly succeeded.
Yes, the trial was about defamation, but defamation defecation, I say.
It was about #MeToo, domestic violence, spousal abuse, femicide and GBV. Only, surprise, surprise, she was not the victim. He was. Clearly.
And for that I won’t forgive Ms Turd. You spat in the face of every true victim of abuse.
Who will believe them now?
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