How dare the ANC send us off to the factories and boardrooms, without providing us with the comfort of load shedding.
Eskom's Kusile Power Station Unit 5 was synchronised to the grid on Sunday, 31 December. Picture: Supplied/Eskom
Can the ANC do nothing right? The giant machine called South Africa was fired up yesterday after the festive break and, yet again, the ANC failed to live up to expectations.
With many businesses opening their doors for the first time in 2024, factories switching on machinery and taxi drivers filling up to get commuters to work, the only contribution we needed from the government was to implement load shedding.
ALSLO READ: Good news as Eskom suspends load shedding until Monday
But no. Fail. How dare the ANC send we few, we happy few, we band of working brothers, off to the coal mines and offices, off to the factories and boardrooms, without providing us with the comfort of load shedding.
Does the ANC have no sense of responsibility toward the working few? The damage caused by not implementing load shedding could take generations to repair.
Yesterday, thousands of workers actually arrived at work on time. For starters, our alarm clocks actually worked because we could charge them overnight.
Then, there was hot water, light, milk that hadn’t gone off… and so the list continues. With working traffic lights (most, but not all, it must be said) commuters travelled at a gentle breeze to work… and arrived on time.
ALSO READ: 18 days: Eskom says the festive season had lights on the longest since June 2022
This is a travesty of note, perhaps even bordering on a disaster, because it has set a precedent on the first work day of the year.
Bosses countrywide will now expect punctuality to become the norm. That’s not a standard we workers can maintain. Be real.
The financial cost of no load shedding is another beast. Not for Eskom or the ANC, but we consumers are in for a hammer to the head. If we have electricity available 24/7, we are going to be consuming watts at the rate of knots and at the end of January, we are going to be billed out of our underwear.
With no load shedding and no threat of load shedding, electrons will be flowing like words from a lay preacher’s mouth. Talk about eternal.
The group of people most likely to suffer the worst without load shedding, are arguably the people producing this newspaper because they will now have to make our deadlines.
No excuses. So, can the ANC please get their act together and reinstate load shedding. We need someone to blame!
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