It seems not even Mbeki’s Aids denialism has hampered support for him. What’s puzzling is that Zuma scores highly.
Former President Thabo Mbeki at an ANC committee. Photo: Gallo Image/Denvor de Wee
It’s really interesting to note a “favourability perceptions score” has former president Thabo Mbeki as the most popular politician in South Africa.
Experts believe Mbeki, president from 1999 to 2008, had a stronger grip on managing corruption – a far cry from Jacob Zuma and Cyril Ramaphosa.
ALSO READ: Thabo Mbeki: ANC has not betrayed SA
It seems not even Mbeki’s Aids denialism has hampered support for him. What’s puzzling is that Zuma scores highly, with many believing they weren’t as unemployed or as poor when he was in the hot seat.
The Social Research Foundation report said: “The data reveals the ‘favourability perceptions score’ of most political figures has lifted since March. Mbeki’s score has lifted from 52.5% to 57.8%.
ALSO READ: Zuma vs Zondo: ‘Zondo was ‘worst performer’ in JSC interviews’ – Zuma foundation
Julius Malema’s score has lifted from 23.8% to 27.7%. Ramaphosa’s score has lifted from 40.7% to 44.4%.” Numbers aside, the majority of South Africans want action. They couldn’t give a hoot about a popularity contest.
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