It is odd that Minister Angie Motshekga wants to amend the SA Schools Act to allow this practice.

Picture: Gallo Images/Alet Pretorius
It’s a sad indictment of our society that when schools need to raise money, one of the most efficient ways of doing so is to hold a public event where alcohol is on sale.
It sells a lot better than coffee and cookies. (It’s also a sad indictment of our society that, notwithstanding that we are a developing country, we cannot provide free, well-resourced education opportunities for our children.
But that is another matter entirely…) It is already fairly commonplace that schools, both government and private, hold fund-raising events at which booze is sold and consumed on site.
So, it is odd that Basic Education Minister Angie Motshekga wants to amend the SA Schools Act to allow this practice.
ALSO READ: Anger over proposal to allow alcohol sales at schools
Presumably, then, up to now selling alcohol on school premises, even at private events, has not been allowed.
Teachers’ unions and some parents have a very good point when they say pupils should not be exposed to the
sight of adults consuming booze and possibly misbehaving in ways which might endanger children.
Perhaps, minister, if your comrades in the ANC and government were not so up to their eyebrows in looting
taxpayer money, schools wouldn’t have to do this.
Tell them that at the next Cabinet meeting…
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