Justice and Correctional Services Minister Ronald Lamola and NPA head Shamila Batohi at an event in March welcoming new prosecutors. Photo: DoJ/Facebook
It is beyond ironic that the ANC, many of whose old guard live in the rosy glow of the incorrectly remembered triumphs of Soviet socialism, should be so keen on accepting money from private donors to help crack down on …. ANC looting.
Mind you, if the donations of millions by private individuals and companies can help accelerate the glacially slow process of dealing with the morass of state capture – then, bring it on, we say.
ALSO READ: Private funders pour millions into the NPA
The worry about this form of funding of our criminal justice system is, of course, the nagging question: how do we know it’s all above board?
This is not to say any of the contributions to the National Prosecuting Authority cause are dodgy, it’s just a worry that, perhaps in future, some well-connected company or individual may give money to make dockets disappear.
Oh, you say, that already happens? Nevertheless, we believe that any help our government can get to resolve the myriad messes largely caused by the ANC, is to be welcomed.
ALSO READ: NPA expands capacity to tackle state capture, corruption cases
Next up: why don’t we privatise our real problem children in the state-owned enterprises sector?
It might not be a bad thing to have capitalist bean counters, instead of quasi-socialist cadre deployees, running these entities.
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