Males, of course, are raised to never share their feelings or expose their vulnerabilities, so mental health issues and depression are seldom discussed.

Riky Rick’s last tweet | picture: Screenshot/Instagram
Mental health issues can kill. Poet Sylvia Plath often expressed anguish of the heart and the mind…
“How frail the human heart must be – a mirrored pool of thought” and “Is there no way out of the mind?”.
Plath, who was clinically depressed for most of her life, took her own life in February 1963. She hadn’t yet turned 32. on Wednesday, another South African entertainer also died, allegedly by his own hand.
He hadn’t yet turned 35. Rikhado Muziwendlovu Makhado, the rapper who went by the name Riky Rick, seemingly had everything to live for: a flourishing career, a new business, TV and advertising work… as well as a wife and two young children.
ALSO READ: Family speaks: Riky Rick’s nurturing of young talent ‘will forever be remembered’
Yet, he must have had his demons. He spoke some years ago about his deep depression after the death of his father left him almost rudderless in his life.
Suicide risk among men
Suicide is rising in this country to the extent we have some of the highest rates in the world – especially among men.
Males, of course, are raised to never share their feelings or expose their vulnerabilities, so mental health issues and depression are seldom discussed.
Depression and anxiety are major health problems and all of us – the government and ordinary people – need to take them seriously.
Mental Health wellness
If you or anyone you know is suffering from depression, anxiety or mental anguish, contact the South African Depression and Anxiety Group (Sadag), on 0800 567 567.
Sadag’s 24hr Helpline is 0800 456 789.
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