All her gains mean nothing. She will go down in history as the accomplice to Bester, the Facebook rapist. What a waste.

Dr Nandipha and Bester, also dubbed the Facebook rapist, were arrested in Tanzania on Friday evening, the 7th of April 2023, after being on the run for more than nine months. Image: Gallo images and Facebook
There is a danger in dependency, more especially a dependency where right and wrong cannot be told apart. It is dangerous when in one’s solitude, one grows exponentially, only to have the gains reversed by bad decisions.
The story of Dr Nandipha Magudumana is a case of dependency taken too far. Nonetheless, these are the women that we are meant to look up to. The ones who shattered the glass ceilings and stomped their authority.
ALSO READ: Thabo Bester: HPCSA investigating allegations against Dr Nandipha Magudumana
These are the women that we are meant to respect. Only for us to find out that their success stories are littered with corruption, crime and shady dealings. A woman who told us to aspire, lost her ability to reason without passion and in so doing, lost her independence. From there, it all went south.
Would Magudumana have made all these bad decisions had her beau not been in her life? Would she have gone so far as to assist in the alleged planning and execution of such a daring escape? Without Thabo Bester, would Magudumana seemingly have had no value for human bodies to dump them?
Would Magudumana have just abandoned her children and taken to the borders had there been no man in her life who may have convinced her? We may never know as there are claims she may have been forced into this life of alleged crime.
ALSO READ: Thabo Bester: Pic of one of two of Dr Pashy’s passports found in Dr Nandipha’s luggage
But what I suspect is that this woman may have been so dependent on this relationship working out that her boundaries and limits were stretched to her suitor’s benefit. She had everything to lose and she was willing to take the risk; her hand may not have been as lucky as she wanted. The house of cards is coming down, and coming down fast.
We pray for plenty, we work hard. May we never reach a point in our lives which this woman has reached – the peak of her nothingness. Her years of study mean nothing at this point, apart from a means for her to commit her alleged crimes.
ALSO READ: Thabo Bester arrest: These are the names he and Nandipha Magudumana travelled under
Her wealth comes down to nothing, unless she uses it to buy her freedom. Her status as a mother means nothing as she abandoned her children. All her gains mean nothing. She will go down in history as the accomplice to Bester, the Facebook rapist. What a waste.
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