If we only had more people like him, this country would be the place we dream it could be.
Dr Simon Dlamini.
When one thinks of township schools, one thinks of absent teachers, delinquent children and run-down facilities. One seldom thinks of excellence. But there are some shining examples of achievement.
None is more encouraging than that of Dr Simon Dlamini, who is the principal of Ogwini Comprehensive Tech High School in Umlazi in KwaZulu-Natal.
Here is a man who could be making a fortune in the private sector or in the ivory towers of academia: he has a doctorate in educational psychology and a Masters in Business Administration (MBA) to his name. Yet he chooses the comparatively humble job of school principal.
And that’s because he truly believes that this country has no future without education; and that people like him – who have qualifications and experience – can help turn around our schools.
For Dlamini, life is about much more than mere monetary rewards. It is about making a contribution; about leaving behind something which makes society better.
In this day and age of rampant corruption, greed, sloth and the culture of “let me look out for myself”, he is a breath of fresh air.
If we only had more people like Dlamini, this country would be the place we dream it could be.
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