As Acting Chief Justice Raymond Zondo himself said, when responding to Sisulu, this has the potential to reduce the credibility of our entire legal system.
Tourism Minister Lindiwe Sisulu. Picture: @LindiweSisuluSA/Twitter
There is some irony in the fact the Tourism Minister Lindiwe Sisulu (or whoever writes for her) would stoop to using the thoughts of a white, foreign, male to defend her scurrilous attack on black African judges in our country as being the lackeys of “white monopoly capital” (WMC).
While it may be ironic, it is hardly surprising, given that the radical economic transformation (RET) clique orbiting Jacob Zuma got that very WMC phrase from a bunch of white spin-doctors in London, the PR firm, Bell Pottinger.
Those Brits were paid handsomely by the Guptas to help construct a divisive narrative to divert attention from the fact that their state capture network was stealing our country blind. Sisulu ripped off a speech by former UK attorney-general Dominic Grieve who, in turn, quoted Lord Bingham about the rule of law, as a way of justifying her
hatchet job on both our constitution and black judicial officers.
This, according to the minister’s spokesperson, is quite acceptable. It is quite obvious what is going on here. The rule of law – which still exists in this country – means that Zuma and everyone else associated with the plunder,
will have to account legally and criminally.
ALSO READ: Lindiwe Sisulu ‘desperately’ wants to be SA’s president, says Msimang
That is why it is necessary to spread the poisonous narrative that the “sell-out” African judges will never provide justice for a black person.
As Acting Chief Justice Raymond Zondo himself said, when responding to Sisulu, this has the potential to reduce the credibility of our entire legal system. And, given the fact that Sisulu’s unsubstantiated claims are now being spread far and wide – and believed – our legal structures are in for a rough ride ahead.
That will be the toxic legacy of Zuma and his acolytes like Sisulu. But they seem prepared to collapse everything around them to avoid accounting for themselves.
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