Justice in South Africa: it’s all a cynical illusion

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By Editorial staff


None of the big fish connected to state capture has had to answer the allegations against them yet.

One of the dictionary definitions of “illusion” is: “a deceptive appearance or impression”. That definition squarely fits what we, as a nation, have been led to believe is a relentless fight against corruption and state capture.

And, if indeed that is the case, then our leader, President Cyril Ramaphosa, plays the role of the master of illusion… It has now been more than five years since Ramaphosa won wide applause and encouragement for his unifying vision of a “New Dawn” when the darkness of state capture and looting would fade into a distant memory.

So, where are we now?

This week, former minister Mosebenzi Zwane, one of the key strands in the Gupta-orchestrated network which looted in the Free State, was given a sanction by parliament which hardly even qualifies for the term “slap on the wrist”.

ALSO READ: ‘Gupta associate’ Mosebenzi Zwane fined 5 days’ pay, barred from debate in Parliament

For various counts of unethical behaviour as an MP – ranging from facilitating the sale of Optimum Coal to Gupta company Tegeta; to taking a Gupta-paid trip from Switzerland to Dubai without declaring it; then appointing Gupta-linked advisors, as well as abusing his position on an inter-ministerial committee – Zwane was fined the princely sum of five days’ pay.

His chastisement followed hot on the heels of the collapse of the legal case to get the Guptas extradited from the United Arab Emirates and the similar implosion of the state case against the Gupta company Nulane.

ALSO READ: NPA to appeal R24.9 million Nulane Investments discharge ruling

Effectively, none of the big fish connected to state capture has yet had to answer the allegations against them.

Is this because they are innocent? No – it is because the state apparatus has failed in its job of ensuring they are held legally and ethically accountable.

This could be yet another case of incompetence of the sort which characterises the ANC administration. But, could it be something more sinister?

We are only getting an illusion of justice.

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justice Mosebenzi Zwane State Capture

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