
Horror of not getting the vaccine

Why anyone would still be vaccine hesitant or believe in conspiracy theories is beyond comprehension.

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By Editorial staff

Why anyone would still be vaccine hesitant or believe in conspiracy theories is beyond comprehension.

Departing this mortal coil prematurely is an equally bizarre thought.

Yet, thanks to the Covid pandemic and a confluence of circumstance, not getting the jab increases your chances of ending up on a slab.


It’s been clinically proven by real scientists that don’t record shareable WhatsApp scare-posts and have never joined purveyors of fine codswallop and pandemic alarmists Panda (Pandemic Data and Analytics) on Facebook.

People die from Covid. There’s no denying that. But what does it really feel like when you gasp for air? What thoughts could possibly race through your mind and how do you ever come back from such an experience?

ALSO READ: ACDP’s anti-vaxx agenda more than politics or religion


That is, if you do. One of our journalists had a taste of it earlier this week when medical professionals applied waterboarding torture techniques to share exactly what patients go through in a Covid intensive care ward.

While the experiment lasted only for 15 minutes, he got a frightening idea of what it must feel like moments before you die.

And he says, it’s not a great feeling.


The emotional and physical after effects of the disease can last a lifetime, even if a patient survives.

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By Editorial staff