Even the grumpiest among us will have been in love some time … and they will remember how that made life seem brand new.
Who doesn’t love a love story?
Even the grumpiest among us will have been in love some time … and they will remember how that made life seem brand new.
And even though South Africa is a republic and has thrown off the chains of colonialism – although perhaps not all of its legacies – there is still a fascination with the British Royal family.
Put love and Royals together and you have a fairytale story which draws attention.
That’s what happened this week when Prince Harry announced his engagement to American actress Meghan Markle.
The stiff upper lips in Blighty must have twitched at the news because Markle is not only a “foreigner” – from another former colony – but she is also, how should we say this, not “pure” white … In this day and age that is irrelevant and clearly Harry is, like his mother, the late Princess Diana, following his heart and not protocol.
Harry has done his duty to his country by serving in the armed forces and he has lent his name and energy to various charity causes around the world, so he is no idle rich kid.
He deserves the happiness which often eluded his mother.
We wish him and Meghan all the best.
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