ANC: Values shredded, but we are asked to vote for our own demise.

An African National Congress (ANC) member holds party flag in Johannesburg. Picture: Michel Bega
Growing up, we were always told to be honest towards our elders and leaders, and show them nothing but the greatest respect.
But when we are honest with the government and express our concerns, we are castigated.
How can we remain honest with them when our leaders are dishonest with us and show us very little if any respect – or punish us for being concerned at how our country is failing on a daily basis?
The culture, values and ethos of the ruling party and the government have been shredded, trampled on and discarded. Yet we are told that we must remain steadfast and continue voting for our own demise.
We are expected to remain silent while our country is a tinderbox about to erupt in flames – driven by divisive government rhetoric.
We are an international and regional laughing stock.
The false claims that we, as a country, will remain nonaligned has the potential to cause us even greater misery. Our non-nonaligned stance may result in the entire world showing us the disrespect we increasingly deserve while they act against us.
Despite numerous warnings the government chose to ignore, we have already been greylisted. What more does the government want us to become? A true pariah state? They will probably wear that label as a badge of great (dis)honour.
The only problem is that we will all be tarred and feathered with the same brush. Our economy will crash even more and our people will be punished as a result of the government’s ham-fisted approach to foreign relations.
It also shows their complete lack of understanding of geopolitical interests and how these can impact on us all – except those who have stolen themselves into great wealth and already own houses and condos in other countries.
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With plans already underway for a full review of the bilateral relationship between the United States and South Africa, we can only hold our collective breath.
This has the potential to cause us all grave economic, social, and diplomatic harm. It may even ultimately position us as a terror-sponsoring state and the very many downsides that will follow. We will be viewed as a state that undermines international global security.
Of course, there are some good things the government is trying.
However, wanting to start a new state-owned bank is a shock. Being unable to resolve a dysfunctional Eskom and debt crisis wrecking so many SOEs, how will they even be able to manage a bank?
What guarantees that those who deposit their monies will ever see their hard-earned cash again? Who will run the bank?
With its roots originating from within the Post Office, and given the Post Office’s dismal record, this is frightening. As everyone knows, our crime and security situations are out of control.
Whereas there are still some good hardworking and honest policemen, a large number are not.
But all is not well. Even our minister of police has admitted the crime is on the upsurge, especially kidnap-for-ransom acts.
To compensate for the failure of our law enforcement agencies, it seems there is a misguided belief that appointing the many thousands of so-called crime prevention wardens will solve our horrendous crime statistics.
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Given that the group has been named after Gauteng’s premier, it indicates to many that this is an effort to boost his presidential aspirations. And one must ask: where does the money come from to fund this new initiative of the Premier? Or could this be another pre-election employment trick to boost votes?
Instead of making up jobs, it would be better for us if the focus is on creating real jobs. With our unemployment reaching unheard of levels, the president is already talking on “importing foreigners”.
What about our own people who are qualified but cannot find work? It is, after all, our unskilled and skilled people who are jobless.
The government must first create jobs for our people before looking at importing more foreigners to do what South Africans can and ought to be doing.
As we near a new election, there is no doubt that those who fear they will get the proverbial boot will intensify their populist narrative and work hard at increasing corruption to feather their own bank accounts.
South Africa has gone from international darling in 1994, to a failed state led by failed leaders in 2024. We are exhausted and worn down by the state-driven corruption, lies and deceptions flung at us by our politicians. It is time for them to vacate their positions of failure.
They will do everything in their power to remain in their posts. It seems they have adopt- ed the credo of “if at first you don’t fail, keep trying until you fail.”
And sadly, we all suffer as they claim they are doing it in our name.
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