Supa Quick scores: and it’s a timely palliative.
Supa Quick’s campaign combines that insight with research that shows many young people these days don’t know the basic things when it comes to cars.
With the #MenAreTrash campaign’s angry memes swirling all over the internet – and even in newspapers, radio and TV – it is interesting to be reminded that, much as we can be pigs sometimes, there are decent males out there.
And, with June 18 looming (Father’s Day, if you had to ask), those of us fortunate enough to have, or had, fathers present in our lives and those of us who have kids will identify with the latest campaign for Supa Quick, which reminds us that there are some dads out there who are heroes.
Supa-heroes, even … Those of us who grew up in good homes will remember when, if we were in trouble or confused, we could always ask dad.
Supa Quick’s campaign combines that insight with research that shows many young people these days don’t know the basic things when it comes to cars.
And also that 94% of millennials go to the internet for advice before they ask the old man.
So, agency Artifact Advertising agency came up with three videos that offer answers to basic motoring questions: how do I change a tyre?; how do I check my car’s oil? and how do I jumpstart a car?
They’re all amusing and informative and position Supa Quick as an expert when it comes to helping out on day-to-day motoring problems.
The campaign’s banner is “What would Dad do?” and it runs until Fathers’ Day, offering prizes for lucky winners. I like it because it reminds all of us of the importance of a father – and how, as Mike and the Mechanics once sang, we wish we had appreciated him “in the living years”.
An Orchid to Supa Quick and to Artifact.
I do realise General Motors had to play its cards close to its chest on the decision to pull out of South Africa, but the way the announcement was done, at short notice, to staff – and then its people in Port Elizabeth were told to go home for a few days (to contemplate their jobless futures, presumably) – left a bad taste.
I realise that some of the car giant’s advertising had been booked months in advance, but, I still find it slightly sick that GM’s ads for its Chevrolet bakkies continue running as if nothing has happened.
There may be those who might take a chance on getting a bargain on run-out stock, but I wouldn’t be one of them.
I would like to know my car would have back-up for years and don’t believe that will be the case with GM products. The irony is in the Chev slogan, which is only too true: Find New Roads. Yep – new roads somewhere else. An Onion for you, GM.
Pack it and take it with you. And, finally, yet another grumpy language Onion.
There is an ad running on radio for accounting firm KPMG about how they can help you with a tax dispute.
It’s timeous because, I hear, an increasing number of businesses are involved in fights with the SA Revenue Service, especially over VAT refunds.
However, KMPG’s ad has a line which focuses on its expertise and that of its associates which, it swears “will turn ‘Win’ into ‘Victory’.”
Huh? What is a win if it is not a victory?
Back to English basics for the copywriter and the creative director at the ad agency. And joining them in the classroom should be whoever it was from KPMG who approved the ad. An Onion for you. Which, as we all know, is much better than a “a swollen edible bulb used as a vegetable, having a pungent taste and smell and composed of several concentric layers”.
- I’ve been writing this column in various publications for 15 years. Every week I hand out an Orchid for brilliant advertising or marketing and an Onion for the rubbish. I’d love to hear about what ads you love and those you hate. Drop me a line at
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