Cele vowed to 'tighten policing' in the areas where you are most likely to be killed in cold blood. Will the situation improve? History paints a different picture.

Police minister Bheki Cele addressed the community in Soweto on 11 July 2022, after a tavern shooting. Photo: The Citizen.
Police minister Bheki Cele on Friday delivered the first quarter crime stats for the period between April and June 2022, highlighting the ‘worrisome’ murder rate and SA’s murder hotspots.
I appreciate the minister’s enthusiasm for addressing the shocking murder rate in South Africa’s worst-affected regions. Really, I do.
Yet I can’t help but wonder why this quarter is any different.
Q1 crime stats: April to June 2022
As reported by The Citizen’s Devina Haripersad, 6 424 people were killed in the first quarter of 2022/2023 financial year – an increase of 664 victims compared to the same period last year. She wrote:
“In the most sombre of tones, Cele announced that the number of murders in the country still remains high and worrisome. He said that 6 424 people were killed.”
Cele also highlighted South Africa’s most dangerous murder hotspots, with the most cases reported in KwaZulu-Natal, followed by Gauteng and the Eastern Cape.
South Africa’s murder hotspot
Umlazi and Plessislaer in KwaZulu-Natal recorded 83 and 69 murders respectively between April and June, while 69 murders were also reported in Mthatha in the Eastern Cape.
This is an increase of 66.2% when compared to 2020/2021, and an increase of 6.7% from 2019/2020.
Cele said the police ministry will be working with members in Umlazi “in an effort to tighten policing in the area”.
‘Urgent’ action required
He said during recent engagements with the community, several issues were “raised sharply”, such as slow police response times and a shortage of vehicles
Cele said these issues are “being urgently addressed at national, provincial and local government level”.
He said the close engagement with the Umlazi community “should have an impact on violent crime if sustained and maintained”.
Why now, Cele?
But Mr Minister, may I point out that Umlazi was one of the worst-affected regions during the previous quarter as well?
More than 100 murders were reported to the station between January and March 2022. It was an increase of 68% when compared to the previous quarter.
During Q4, Plessislaer had 67 reported cases, while Inanda (also in KZN) had 75 cases. As per the Q1 stats, Inanda dropped to 4th with 66 cases, with Mthatha moving into the top three.
ALSO READ: Crime Stats 2022: Decrease in rape, but ‘worrisome’ increase in murders
But wait, there’s more
Let’s take a look at the top three murder hotspots since 2020, shall we?
In Q3 (October to December 2021), 86 cases were reported at the Inanda police station, while 81 cases were reported at Delft.
Oh and look, It’s Umlazi again with 81 murders.
In Q2 (July to September 2021), 92 murders at Inanda, 84 murders at Umlazi, and 69 murders in Delft. In fact, Umlazi had the biggest spike that year (an increase of 50 murder cases).
Shouldn’t that have been reason enough to jump into action?
During the Q1 of 2021 (April to June), Umlazi Police Station was once again the most dangerous region in the country with 73 reported murders, followed by Plessislaer (68) and Kraaifontein (67).
Where was the urgency then?
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