'You never understood me; these are lies, damn lies!', writes Carl Niehaus in response to Cliff Buchler's letter.

Carl Niehaus plans to sue the state for humiliation over his Covid-19 arrest. Image: Gallo Images/Jackie Clausen
Carl Niehaus responds to The Citizen’s columnist Cliff Buchler’s open letter addressed to him.
Dear Cliff, Seeing your “open letter” to me, brought back memories.
To have then worked as spokesperson of the ANC was tough, but more straightforward. The struggle was not yet complicated by 28 years of ANC successes and failures in government.
You say patronisingly you were “impressed” by me, because of my command of English – as if that was really important in a country where the vast majority speak African languages as their mother tongues. Unfortunately, I cannot say that I was ever impressed by you.
You are a mediocre hack with a predilection for failing to appreciate content, and to be distracted by the gloss of appearances.
You were always part of the WMC mainstream media project to prevent fundamental economic transformation.
Now you try to demonise former president Jacob Zuma as a “questionable character”.
RELATED: ‘Admiration turned to disgust’ – An open letter to Carl Niehaus
Misrepresenting unsubstantiated allegations in the “arms deal case”, and the Commission of Inquiry into State Capture as “evidence”, while it’s just WMC (white monopoly capital) propaganda on steroids.
Do you care for the constitutional maxim of innocent until proven guilty? Obviously not! You never cared for substance.
Thus, you also never understood me.
You only got excited about my “good English”.
I have not joined the ANC for a few black oligarchs to become filthy rich while the majority of black South Africans remain poor.
I have been absolutely consistent.
Yet, you now want to smear and label me as corrupt, and “questionable”.
Similarly to what you are trying to do with Zuma, and others, who are not prepared to sell our souls to the real WMC state captures.
You falsely claim that I have stolen money, and faked my beloved mother’s death for insurance money – none of which I have ever done.
These are lies, damn lies!
Similarly, you try to defame Zuma with lies. So, you think I was cutting a “lone pathetic figure” with my poster calling that #RamaphosaMustGo? Again, you confuse appearance with content.
Those photos went viral. Millions saw me.
My fellow black South Africans do not need “good English” to understand the message, and they are coming for Ramaphosa and the likes of you.
The hourglass is slowly but surely emptying.
Cyril Ramaphosa, with all his illicit Phala Phala dollars will not protect you.
The writing is on the wall: “Mene, menetekel, upharsin”.
Your days are numbered…
Yours, until then…
Carl Mpangazitha Niehaus.
NOW READ: ‘Admiration turned to disgust’ – An open letter to Carl Niehaus
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