The prosecuting authorities are obviously doing very little to reclaim the stolen kazilllions, so eloquently called the 'wasted years' by our president.
Picture: iStock
My knowledge of the law equals my knowledge of the female brain. I suspect they are very similar on too many levels.
When the wife says, “do whatever you like”, don’t be fooled. It very obviously didn’t mean I had permission to convert her study into a man-cave for me and the boys. I think she would have been much happier working at the kitchen table.
No really, it would have saved her a lot of travelling time up and down the passage every day. And it would have made multitasking so much easier. But hey, what do I know? And I did have permission… How wrong I was.
The law is equally mysterious. When two ominous-looking men come knocking at your business, demanding that you pay them 15% of your turnover every month as protection money, I consider it extortion. Those guys are very intimidating. Cracking their knuckles, they basically threaten you with an even higher payment rate or kidnapping should you not comply.
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Then, just when you get your breath back, they demand that you add 28% of your profit to the brown envelope. Can I just please keep enough to give my wife and the kids a peanut butter sandwich every day? Extortion? How wrong I was.
Turns out it’s a perfectly legal scam, because these Sopranos work for the South African Revenue Service and they call it tax. Okay, my mistake, it’s the law. But… I was also under the impression that tax money was not allowed to be used by politicians or government employees for personal use. Oh, how wrong I was.
When it comes to the female brain, there are way too many questions than answers. With tax law, however, I only have a few questions: Can the taxpayers not start a class action lawsuit against the government for stealing our tax money? The prosecuting authorities are obviously doing very little to reclaim the stolen kazilllions, so eloquently called the “wasted years” by our president.
Isn’t there a way for us to take the law into our own hands? Isn’t it time to fight back against the mafia?
NOW READ: Govt Employee Pension Fund grants 5.5% increase to its pensioners
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