The British Prime Minister has summoned up his last ounce of political strength.
Britain’s Prime Minister Boris Johnson. Photo: AFP/POOL/Matt Dunham
If one were to walk a mile in the shoes of Boris Johnson, one would feel the pressure on him to resign because of the “partygate” fiasco, when he and his Downing Street mates broke Covid-19 regulations to have a bit of a booze-up.
Still, the British Prime Minister has summoned up his last ounce of political strength to conjure up a neat diversionary tactic to take the public mind off his disgrace.
In for a penny, in for a pound seems to be his watchword and he went the whole nine yards this week by deciding to bring back the old imperial system of weights and measures.
ALSO READ: Boris Johnson must face the consequences for drunken ‘partygate’ culture
Never mind that the empire from which imperial was derived died in the last century, Johnson was determined to pour his gallon of excitement into the pint pot of a reality where Britain has been using the metric system for almost 60 years – bar on the roads and in the pubs.
In what some say is a desperate attempt to show Brexit succeeded and thumb his nose at the European Union, though, Johnson may have dug his own political grave.
In case he’s forgotten, that could put him well and truly six feet under.
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