Last year, Nigeria's most famous prophet saw a 'strange thing happening' to the 'institution' housing the UK's 'lawmakers'.
TB Joshua. Picture: Supplied
A “prophecy’ by Nigerian pastor TB Joshua was widely shared on Thursday after a YouTube clip was loaded suggesting that the popular Christian leader saw it all coming last year in June already.
Sceptics might say that one doesn’t need to be a prophet to guess that, sooner or later, someone was going to launch an attack on Britain’s parliamentary precinct in Westminster.
Many people have said that they’re actually only surprised that it’s taken this long since the last big assault on Britain’s capital by Islamic extremists in July 2005.
On Wednesday, a man using a car as a lethal weapon mowed down people on Westminster Bridge, crashed into gates outside Parliament and used a large kitchen knife to murder a policeman before being shot dead himself.
Two other people died and around 40 were injured, seven critically, including one woman who fell or jumped from the bridge into the River Thames. Among the injured was a party of French schoolchildren and three other police officers.
Joshua “predicted” in June last year during one of his church services that the UK would need prayer because he saw a “strange thing happening” and that it would happen to “an innocent person”.
He advised Britain to “secure their lawmakers and their institution”. He also mentioned ministers and the British “president” (which they don’t have, only a prime minister).
It seems the UK did not heed Joshua’s advice, and now they must surely be sorry.
Joshua was also in the headlines last year for incorrectly prophesying that “a woman” would win the US election.
Have a look at his UK prophecy for yourself:
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