Democratic White House hopeful Joe Biden says he would launch an all-hands-on-deck effort to fight climate change and revamp the US power sector if he is elected president in November 2020. AFP/Olivier DOULIERY
The clean energy proposal was fleshed out in a speech in Wilmington as the veteran Democrat aimed to draw a contrast with President Donald Trump ahead of November’s election by arguing that fighting climate change would be a massive job creator under a Biden administration.
“Transforming the American electrical sector to produce power without producing carbon pollution… will be the greatest spurring of job creation and economic competitiveness in the 21st century,” Biden said.
“That’s why we’re going to achieve a carbon pollution-free electric sector by the year 2035.”
The plan includes more ambitious goals than the climate proposal he rolled out months ago when he ran as one of the more moderate Democratic candidates in the party’s nomination race.
By embracing some of the ideas of his more liberal rivals at the time, including Senator Bernie Sanders and Washington Governor Jay Inslee, Biden appears intent on winning over progressive voters who might be wary of the former vice president and longtime Washington staple.
Biden pledged to spend $2 trillion over four years to promote his plan, according to The Washington Post, a dramatic acceleration of the $1.7 trillion he had proposed to spend over 10 years in his climate plan during the primary race.
He also said he would rejoin the Paris climate agreement that Trump pulled the US out of in 2017, fund the construction of 1.5 million new energy efficient homes, upgrade appliance standards and prioritize renewable energy.
“We’re not just going to tinker around the edges,” Biden said.
“I know meeting the challenge will be a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to jolt new life into our economy.”
Biden said he would reverse some 100 steps taken by Trump to roll back environmental regulations.
He also reiterated parts of his earlier climate proposal, one with goals shared by House Democratic leaders including Speaker Nancy Pelosi, that would put the nation on the road to net zero emissions economy-wide no later than 2050.
And aside from attacking Trump on his failure to contain the coronavirus pandemic, he savaged the president and his party for lacking vision and focusing on old technologies like oil.
US President Donald Trump has insisted that the fourth quarter of 2020 will enjoy extraordinary economic growth, but his Democratic election rival Joe Biden accuses the president of lacking a longterm vision for the economy and new technologies. AFP/JIM WATSON
“This is all that Donald Trump and the Republicans offer: backward-looking policies that will harm the environment, make communities less healthy, hold back economic promise while other countries race ahead,” Biden said.
Biden leads Trump on most issues, according to polling, but voters still see the president as stronger on steering the US economy.
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