More than a hundred children were stung by bees after some boys had disturbed their hive.

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Chaos erupted at a school yesterday morning when a swarm of bees attacked schoolchildren at Malelane, in Mpumalanga, Lowvelder reports.
It is estimated that more than 100 children were injured and had to be treated for bee stings.
It is believed that a group of boys disturbed a beehive at Mhlati Primary School during break. A large swarm emerged and attacked everyone in sight. The pupils ran into the primary school’s administration offices to escape the bees.
Principal Joe Nkambule rushed outside to discover chaos and was also stung and rushed to Alda Nienaber for treatment, along with several pupils.
Malelane Clinic and Dr Wannenburg Janse van Rensburg also helped treat learners, with good Samaritans and local ambulance services jumping in to help transport them. Pupils at neighbouring Hoërskool Suikerland helped too.
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A paramedic who treated them on the scene estimated that about 100 were stung. Four were transferred to hospitals in what he called a “critical condition”.
Robyn Baard, spokesperson for Mediclinic Nelspruit, confirmed that a 12-year-old boy had been admitted yesterday. She said he was in a stable condition and being transferred to high care.
Three other children are believed to have been admitted to Tonga and Shongwe hospitals. Nkambule said the exact number of injuries, as well as details surrounding the incident, will only be released once the department of education has investigated.
Jasper Zwane, spokesperson for education, was not available for comment at the time of going to press.
– Caxton News Service
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