Their vision is to change South Africa by 50 years in only five years.
The RSA.P Steering Committee are Kwena Matuba (deputy secretary), Melidah Mashamaite (secretary), Kwena Mahoai (chairperson), Prof Cornelis Roelofse (interim party leader) and Sipho Maluleke (media liaison).
You would ask, why a new party? and the answer to this is more obvious than it may initially seem, Review Online reports.
Politics needs to change to responsible governance in a true partnership with voters that leads to more development and less control.
Renewed South African Party (RSA.P) has a vision to change South Africa by 50 years in only five years.
Prof Cornelis Roelofse said: “Through the correct policies and delivery, we will transform South Africa in five years. It is time for governance and not politics, building and developing, creating safe communities with infrastructure that will create job opportunities. The devolution of power from a centralised system to semi-autonomous regions will empower people at grassroots to develop through local empowerment. Less national interference and more local empowerment will ensure partnerships to develop infrastructure and create employment.”
RSA.P is not promoting a new South Africa that has hardly changed but a renewed South Africa, he said.
This, he said, implied:
• The way we think about ourselves as South Africans – People with a capacity to develop and not rely on state grants.
• The way we see people – We are looking for partners, not members; we do not consider people as ‘masses’, but as individuals, families and communities in partnership with government.
• The way we see politics – Not as a vehicle of self-enriching an elite but as a vehicle to develop and renew South Africa.
• The way we see governance – Minimising government interference by creating a two-tier government in a confederate structure where communities are empowered.
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• Large cabinet, provincial governments and municipalities and creating semi-autonomous regional governments. “It is foreseen that there will be about 24 to 30 such regions with their own executives. Regions will be formed on the recommendations of the Demarcation Board. Each region will retain the current municipal technical and service components in partnership with communities and the private sector for service delivery and projects.”
• The national assembly will consist of two chambers, the National House of Delegates and the House of Regions.
• National cabinet, appointed by the prime minister, will be limited to approximately eight to 10 departments. “This will be health, defence, foreign affairs, finance and regional development, roads and transport, environmental conservation, water management, energy and country safety. The president will be elected by the people on a separate ballot paper. Regional delegates will be elected on a constituency basis. Each region will have its own Regional House of Delegates.”
Prof. Roelofse added there would be a general reduction in tax by reducing government spending as regions will raise their own taxes.
“A central redistribution fund will be created to which regions will contribute to cross-subsidise poorer regions until they are sustainable entities. A debt repayment moratorium with no extra interest will be negotiated with international institutions to fund the five-year plan to implement the new government structures This will not preclude payments should government be able to do so,” he said.
– Caxton News Service
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