Limpopo ANC: Officials could be charged for not implementing Motlanthe’s orders

Alex Japho Matlala

By Alex Japho Matlala


The party’s national working committee (NWC) is on a fact-finding mission.

Several current and former Limpopo ANC provincial executive committee (PEC) members may be charged after the province failed to implement former president Kgalema Motlanthe’s orders.

The party’s national working committee (NWC) is on a fact-finding mission amid allegations that some regions were torn apart because of political infighting and factional battles.

One such is the brewing brouhaha about political power in the Lephalale municipality of the Waterberg region. It has been marred by political turmoil since the watershed 2021 municipal elections.

Just after the elections, the party adopted a report and recommendations from the ANC’s electoral committee, chaired by Motlanthe.

NOW READ: Kgalema Motlanthe directive divides ANC


The report was in line with disputes following a dubious selection processes of candidates. Over 770 disputes and appeals had been lodged countrywide and the electoral committee had already made determinations on each of the cases.

The Limpopo provincial list committee (PLC) met secretaries from 15 branches under the Lephalale subregion in March last year to present their findings.

These included: -The list presented to the Electoral Commission of South Africa (IEC) was not a true reflection of the outcomes of the branch general meetings; -Some names that made the list were not known and not nominated by branches during the meetings; and -Manuals and forms of 10% of names presented to the PLC and the IEC for appointments were also tampered with.

In light of this, the PLC recommended to Motlanthe that candidates who were on the list in contravention of the provided guidelines be removed.

The NWC, in turn, directed the Limpopo ANC to implement Motlanthe’s report without any delay. But 17 months after the 2021 polls, no action had been taken.

Welheminah Modise, ANC Women’s League chair in Waterberg, said: “Some PEC members implicated by the report have been doing business with government.

Some are today heads of departments. It is time the NWC took action against them.” Contacted for comment, Limpopo PEC spokesperson Jimmy Machaka said the ANC was implementing the findings of Motlanthe’s report.

“We took a decision to restructure the list of the Lephalale ANC region.”

READ MORE: The ANC must lose power – Kgalema Motlanthe


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