Family says Justice Mokgoro's condition has worsened.
Judge Yvonne Mokgoro suffered multiple injuries in a car accident. Photo: Gallo Images
Former Constitutional Court (ConCourt) Justice Yvonne Mokgoro’s condition has deteriorated at a Northern Cape hospital following a vehicle accident three weeks ago.
Mokgoro was travelling between Warrenton and Kimberley when the vehicle she was in was hit by a truck.
She suffered multiple injuries and was admitted to Kimberley’s Lenmed Royal Hospital and Heart Centre.
According to the Windsorton police, the collision happened when the driver of Mokgoro’s car made an unexpected manoeuvre on the road, News24 reported.
The Sunday Times reports that her condition has since deteriorated.
“At some point, she was doing okay. The doctors have done various operations and she was doing better. But she has had a setback and she is in a worse condition than when she was hospitalised,” her son Ithateng Mokgoro said in a statement.
The family remained optimistic, he added.
“We remain optimistic and believe that with the help of her medical team and the power of faith, she will emerge victorious in this difficult journey.”
First woman at ConCourt
Mokgoro, 73, has had a stellar law career and leadership in civil society.
The Kimberly-born Mokgoro was a ConCourt judge from its inception in 1994 until the end of her 15-year term in 2009.
As the first woman to serve at the apex court, she contributed to developing the country’s legal system.
She has also participated in a number of research projects and held positions on the boards of a number of civil society organisations, including community-based organisations.
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