Dis-Chem apologises for ‘wording’ and ‘tone’ of letter on ‘no whites’ rule

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By Citizen Reporter


The retail giant says, however, that it stands by its imperative to continue with its transformation journey.

The Dis-Chem board has apologised for the “wording” and “tone” of an internal memorandum that has been widely shared on social media.

In a letter circulated on social media last week, Dis-Chem said “when no suitable black candidate is found and a white is appointed, we need several blacks just to maintain the status quo”.

The retail giant placed a moratorium on the appointment of white individuals, “following a review of the Employment Equity profile and the BBBEE verification process”.

ALSO READ: Dis-Chem’s ‘no whites’ rule: Even black SA not sure how to feel

The letter divided South Africans, with some lauding the retail giant for “doing what’s right”, while others called for a boycott.


Now Dis-Chem has apologised, saying the letter was “erroneously” shared.

“We acknowledge that it did not reflect our values, did not follow our correct internal vetting processes and steps have been put in place to ensure that going forward, relevant checks and balances are thoroughly duly performed,” it said on Monday.

“More importantly, we sincerely regret the offence and distress it caused to so many people, including our staff and millions of loyal customers. We deeply value all our employees and appreciate their contribution to Dis-Chem.”

ALSO READ: Fury over Dis-Chem letter on hiring of whites

The retail giant said, however, that it stood by its imperative to continue with its transformation journey.

“Equality, diversity and inclusivity are important throughout Dis-Chem, and we continue to make great strides in ensuring that we maintain progress in this area. We have always been cognisant of the imperative to comply with all legislation including employment equity on our journey to meet transformation targets, and with a priority of employment on merit, based on our view of giving employment preference to previously disadvantaged communities.

“We apologise for the erroneous communication with caused offence to any South African community. We are a proudly South African business, which promotes inclusivity and representation of all South Africans, in their capacity as key stakeholders.”

Compiled by Vhahangwele Nemakonde

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