
Daily news update: ANC birthday and indiscipline, MKMVA picket, EFF rally

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Daily news update 9 January

‘Let’s tackle indiscipline in the ANC head-on’, says Ramaphosa

ANC President Cyril Ramaphosa on Saturday urged parties members to stop tolerating indiscipline happening within the party.

Ramaphosa delivered a keynote January 8 statement at the Old Peter Mokaba Stadium in Polokwane, Limpopo.


Party members look the other way when acts of indiscipline happen, he said.

“We even hear that in ANC meetings, someone stand up and assault a female member of the ANC and we close our eyes and fail to take action.”

MKMVA members picket outside ANC birthday bash venue

One of the protesters, identified as Irene Mabote, said she was there because the party’s National Executive Committee (NEC) hasn’t attended to their demands. Photo: Twitter/@niehaus_carl

As invited guests trickled into the Old Peter Mokaba Stadium in Polokwane on Saturday, members of the disbanded uMkhonto weSizwe Military Veterans Association (MKMVA) brandished placards, demanding to be heard by the ANC NEC.


The MKMVA was one of the two ANC formations consisting of former combatants. The other is the MK Council, and both were disbanded last year.

One of the protesters, identified as Irene Mabote, said she was there because the party’s National Executive Committee (NEC) hasn’t attended to their demands.

ALSO READ: ANC’s January 8th statement of 2022


Cele, Limpopo ANC endorse Ramaphosa for second term as party president

Police Minister Bheki Cele has endorsed Ramaphosa for a second term in power. Photo: Gallo Images/Darren Stewart

Police minister Bheki Cele has endorsed ANC President Cyril Ramaphosa for a second term as the party’s leader.

He is not the first nor the only one to rally behind the ruling president, with party members in Limpopo also pledging their allegiance.

At an ANC conference held on Tuesday in Ga-Nkoana, Sekhukhune, members of the party from the region called for him to reign for a second term.


‘Stop hating foreigners, target employers’, Malema tells EFF supporters

EFF Leader Julius Malema hosts a thank you rally in Durban to thank voters for their support. Picture- Twitter.

Economic Freedom Fighters (EFF) leader Julius Malema said during the party’s Siyabonga rally, that Black South Africans need to hold employers to account rather than spread African hate.

Speaking at the rally, Malema said that African-on-African hatred over jobs must stop.

“Don’t hate foreigners, hate the employers because those foreigners didn’t hire themselves,” Malema told a sea of red T-shirts and berets braving the scorching Durban sun.


Godongwana claims sabotage over power cut during Ramaphosa speech

Finance Minister Enoch Godongwana at a press conference on 11 November 2021. Photo: Gallo Images/Brenton Geach

ANC NEC member Enoch Godongwana said he wouldn’t rule out sabotage after gala dinner venue was plunged into darkness while President Cyril Ramaphosa was on the podium delivering his speech.

Ramaphosa addressed invited guests at The Ranch Resort outside Polokwane, Limpopo on Friday night.

Godongwana didn’t think it was an ordinary electricity cut that South Africans have become accustomed to.

“I don’t rule out sinister acts with the electricity cut. In this area, electricity exists everywhere except in this venue, the possibility of someone having tempered with the electricity exists, I am not saying that’s a fact.”

KZN hit: Cornubia taxi boss executed in presence of his family

Image supplied: Rusa

A 52-year-old taxi boss was shot and killed in the presence of his family in Cornubia, north of Durban on Saturday afternoon.

Reaction Unit South Africa (Rusa) were called out to the housing complex in KwaZulu-Natal (KZN) at approximately 16:32.

On arrival, it was established that the man was in a bedroom with his partner and two sons on the upper level of the home.

Crew of 75 firefighters contain Signal Hill fire on Saturday

Photo: Twitter/Working on Fire @wo_fire

At least four Fire and Rescue Service teams – consisting of 75 firefighters – battled the blaze on Signal Hill in Cape Town on Saturday morning.

NCC Environmental Services confirmed crews from Table Mountain National Park’s firefighting team and members from Working On Fire (WoF), Volunteer Wildfire Fighting service responded to the scene.

WoF dispatched 75 firefighters from four teams, as well as five aerial resources – two choppers, two water bombers and a spotter plane.

Suspects linked to EMPD inspector’s murder nabbed a day before burial

An EMPD inspector was gunned down in Ivory Park on Monday. File photo for illustration.

Two men suspected of being involved in the murder of an Ekurhuleni Metropolitan Police Department (EMPD) inspector have been arrested. 

EMPD spokesperson Lieutenant Colonel Kelebogile Thepa confirmed the arrests in a statement on Saturday morning, saying the suspects were nabbed one day before the inspector was buried. 

The inspector, who has not been named, was driving in an unmarked police vehicle early on Monday morning in Ivory Park when he found himself trapped in a hail of bullets. 

ALSO READ: Daily news update 8 January 2022