
Christmas marks the day a revolutionary was born, says EFF

As we celebrate the day “a revolutionary was born” on Saturday, the Economic Freedom Fighters (EFF) has called on South Africans to practise the spirit of Ubuntu and give to the less fortunate, as this day also represents togetherness, family and goodwill.

“We call upon all African people to share whatever they have, no matter how little it maybe; with those who are less fortunate. The inhumanity of the capitalist society, has rendered many without the comfort of warm homes, loving families and a plate of food, and requires of us to practice the spirit of Africanness,” says the party.

“Let us open our doors to the needy, to orphans who head households as young as they are. May all of those who are well off ensure that they do not turn their backs on those on our streets. May we treat those within our families and communities with dignity and respect, even though they may be economically unable to contribute to the festivities of this season.”


ALSO READ: The spirit of Ubuntu will triumph as SA rebuilds

The EFF has also sent well wishes to those who lost loved ones to the Covid-19 pandemic, as some spend their first Christmas without them.

“We wish you strength as you soldier on to face what is familiar as a season of family, with your table and home short of those loved ones.

“We have together as a nation survived a difficult year, with rising unemployment, a betrayal of the land question, continued privatisation of our national assets and a deadly Coronavirus.


“It is now time to take stock and reflect on this difficult year, while preparing for the year to come and it’s inevitable challenges. Let us all enjoy this brief reprieve from the brutality of the virus and our declining economy, if conditions, to exhibit love and experience joy.”

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As the country celebrates the “revolutionary” and “a fighting God who stood against injustice”, the EFF has urged them to not forget the need to intensify the fight against the monopolising of the wealth of this country by a white minority.


“Let us remember the need for the return of the land by any Revolutionary means necessary, and confront exploitation with the same vigour as the hero of the Christian world,” said the party in a statement.