Same sex marriage wedding rings.
Despite not being in favour of gay marriages ACDP president Kenneth Meshoe says all God-fearing South Africans including gay people should vote for the African Christian Democratic Party (ACDP).
Meshoe said the ACDP policy was largely based on Bible teaching which is one of the reasons why the party did not believe that homosexual people should be allowed to get married to each other.
“The fact is that the ACDP is based on biblical principles we cannot faulter on anything that will make us undermine scriptures and we believe that God who created us all knew us best and he knows the right things from the wrong things,” Meshoe said.
ALSO READ: Church-based political newcomers don’t scare us – ACDP
Meshoe likened allowing same sex marriages to go ahead with allowing children to disrespect their elders.
“If we can allow these things and let these children do whatever they like they can disrespect their parents its ok we will never come to that point because our biblical foundation is saying that is not on and the ACDP will not change their position on same sex marriage,” he said.
Meshoe said despite the party’s stance on homosexuality anyone who agrees with the policies of the party should vote for the ACDP.
ALSO READ: Meshoe’s ACPD wants to close the tap of fraud and corruption after elections
According to Meshoe the party was also receiving votes from a broad spectrum of people including some Muslims, who could relate to the values of the ACDP.
“When we are leading South Africa, we will ensure that every citizen whether we agree with their life style or not every citizen should be served appropriately by a government that should love everybody and serve everybody,” he said.
Meshoe said should the ACDP rise to power after the elections, that party would not segregate against the LGBTQ+ community.
“We will not segregate against anybody because like I said a true government must serve everybody regardless of their beliefs,” Meshoe said.
Meshoe said he was proud of the long journey the ACDP had made as the party marks its 30th birthday this week.
According to Meshoe the ACDP was persecuted by some Christians for being active in politics under the banner of Christianity. He said this belief that Christianity and politics do not mix stifled the party’s growth over the years.
The ACDP currently has four seats in Parliament and is one of the smaller parties that has managed to survive for the longest time since the dawn of the new democracy.
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