Ultra-Trail Drakensberg (UTD) took place at the end of last month with runners traversing the spectacular mountain range.
A runner on one of the bridge crossings leaving Cobham.
Started in 2017, this year the event used a new Race Village and finish line venue at Glencairn Farm, just outside Underberg.
UTD is a festival of trail running with events of 160km (UTD160), 100km (UTD100), 65km (GCU65), 36km (SDR36) and 25km (DRJ25). Four of the five courses traverse the Giant’s Cup Trail in the southern section of the Maloti-Drakensberg Park World Heritage Site in KwaZulu-Natal.
Pictures: Fahwaaz Cornelius, Kelvin Trautman, Zac Zinn and Dan Grinwis