PICTURES: Ultra-Trail Drakensburg photographic highlights

Michel Bega

Compiled by Michel Bega

Multimedia Editor

Ultra-Trail Drakensberg (UTD) took place at the end of last month with runners traversing the spectacular mountain range.

Started in 2017, this year the event used a new Race Village and finish line venue at Glencairn Farm, just outside Underberg.

UTD is a festival of trail running with events of 160km (UTD160), 100km (UTD100), 65km (GCU65), 36km (SDR36) and 25km (DRJ25). Four of the five courses traverse the Giant’s Cup Trail in the southern section of the Maloti-Drakensberg Park World Heritage Site in KwaZulu-Natal.

Pictures: Fahwaaz Cornelius, Kelvin Trautman, Zac Zinn and Dan Grinwis

Ultra-trail Drakensbuerg in pictures
Swiss Tiaan Erwee ended third in the 100 miler, seen here early in the race in Lesotho, being led by the Basotho pony and rider.
Ultra-trail Drakensbuerg in pictures
Nicolette Griffioen from Johannesburg won the 100 miler women’s race and placed fifth overall in a magnificent performance, running for 25 hours, 51 minutes and 40 seconds.
Ultra-trail Drakensbuerg in pictures
Cape Town professional trail runner Daniel Claasen, who placed fourth in the 36 km race, says of running in the Drakensberg: “The mountains are big, the trails are nice and flowy, and I always experience this feeling of calmness when I run along the trails hugging the overhanging peaks. It’s truly a special place”.
Ultra-trail Drakensbuerg in pictures
Robbie Rorich won the SDR36, the 36km race, in a time of 03:16:13.
Ultra-trail Drakensbuerg in pictures
GCU65km, the 65 km race, started from Silver Streams Trading Station. Much of this race follows the Giant’s Cup Trail.
Ultra-trail Drakensbuerg in pictures
Four of the races followed trails up the valley from Cobham Aid station.
Ultra-trail Drakensbuerg in pictures
Neil Miller is embraced by his son at the finish line after completing the 100 miler (162.4 km) in 46 hours, 56 minutes and 21 seconds, the last runner in on Sunday morning.
Ultra-trail Drakensbuerg in pictures
In the early stages of the 160km race, the route traverses the escarpment in Lesotho.
Ultra-trail Drakensbuerg in pictures
Shortly after leaving Cobham Aid station, this view greets runners in all the races except the 25 km.
Ultra-trail Drakensbuerg in pictures
Capetonian Chris Ngaka, who placed second in the 100 km UTD100, seen quite early in the race near Swiman Aid Station.
Ultra-trail Drakensbuerg in pictures
Spectacular scenes along the trails.

MORE: ‘Growing and evolving’: Veteran trail runner Ryan Sandes still going strong

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