Superheroes and Santa Claus

To get back in touch with the inner child is so much fun.

Yesterday I was accompanied by a doctor to the Spur, Thor joined me at Die Stoep the other day and I hosted a birthday party for Superman at Kokopelli last Saturday. Ironman visited me at home and even Santa’s little elf joined me on the trampoline last week. Exciting stuff hey? My newly-turned five-year-old takes on a new persona on a daily basis.

Spiderman makes the most appearances so he must be the favourite. Mom and Dad also transformed into Superwoman and Batman for his birthday party! He so enjoyed it. We even organised for “Loki” to come and attack the kiddies in true Avengers style (a very good Friend lent his services – we are still going to pay for that one I think). Daniel and his friends loved it! We loved it! People kept saying to us that they can’t believe what we do for our child, I think we had more fun than he did! Even though having children gives us so many added responsibilities, it also teaches us what it is like to be young at heart again. We love playing with our boy, not only because it makes him happy, but it makes us happy too. To get back in touch with the inner child is so much fun.

We were watching “Rise of the Guardians” and Daniel said to me, “Mommy, they are all real hey?” Santa Clause, the Easter Bunny, Tooth Fairy, Sandman, Jack Frost and even Pitch Black, the Boogy man! Then he says, “There have to be goodies and baddies, it must balance!” My boy really does teach me so much more than I could ever teach him.

Oh to be a child again! To believe in super heroes and Santa Claus! He even told me today that we’ll have to leave the door open for Santa on Christmas Eve because we don’t have a chimney. It is so important to encourage our children’s imaginations, but then you have another extreme. My younger brother was highly disgusted when he found out Santa wasn’t real, because we all lied to him… Where do we draw the line? We just go with the flow, for us Christmas is more about new beginnings, a tiny Baby who changed the world and hope, faith and love. Santa comes in only because of the whole institution of Christmas.

Hubby just pointed out to me that no matter how much technology has advanced, the kiddies today still believe as we did. Hubby passed all his comic books down to Daniel – How surprised our boy was that they were so old! And that his daddy knew about all these super heroes! Heck – Hubby and I absolutely love this phase in Daniel’s life because we get to relive it all again! Sharing this passion with our child is just a cherry on top! Okay, granted – technology does make the heroes so much more impressive today, but we didn’t know any better back then and we are enjoying this new technology just as much as the kiddies do.

So who knows who will be joining me in town this week, Captain America? Batman? Lone Ranger is also waiting to put in his appearance! Whoever it is, I’m going to love his company! I so love this time of year, and this year it is even more colourful than usual!

Which Superhero do you relate to best? Whose powers would you absolutely love to have? Me-thinks Green Lantern is the coolest of all – he gets to imagine things and they happen! Awesome!

Let’s do some playing during this time leading up to Christmas – I have a few new ideas of my own – will keep you posted on how it goes…

Love live and shine!

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