Categories: Motoring

Top Gear hits the track with monster crew

British motoring show extraordinaire, Top Gear, have rounded out their presenting roster in interesting style.

Following the option of not renewing the contracts of long-standing motoring power-house presenters, Jeremy Clarkson, James May and Richard Hammond, the BBC have rounded out their presenting team of Petrol-head duo Chris Evans and Matt LeBlanc (yes… Joey from friends) with an additional four members.

German racing driver Sabine Schmitz, who has featured multiple times on Top Gear in the past, returns to the show in a move that has been widely anticipated. Eddie Jordan, who currently works as a BBC Formula 1 analyst (and who used to be Michael Schumacher’s F1 boss), also joins the show in a move that was not.

British motoring Youtuber, Chris Harris, makes the big step up from around one-million hits per video online, to hundreds of millions of week-in-week-out watchers, as he joins the BBC’s premier show.

Do you remember Top Gear’s public call for auditions? Well, one person who is unlikely to forget is a Mr Rory Reid – the winner and only person to get through the 30 second video audition process.

“I’ve been a Top Gear fan for decades, but more than that, I live and breathe cars in a way that is perfectly compatible with the show” Reid added.

Fan favourite, The Stig, continues in his omnipresent AlpineStar racing whites. Wherever this new crew takes the show